CW discussion of animal agriculture and all it entails

I never made a "why I'm leaving" post. At the time, I was too stressed and upset to bother, and the drama was so high, and so many others were making those types of posts, that I figured it wouldn't be worth it. I'm a very avoidant person, and so when other mods begged for any talk of veganism to just die down for a while, even though it was completely unjust, I did as asked. I had already quit anyway.

Well, it's been over a year and a half. The draconian measures against talk of veganism never went away. To the surprise of no one, silencing activists who fight for the liberation of the animal slave class only appeased the slave owners and those who lick their boots. Ironic considering how hexbear started in the first place.

Over a trillion sentient beings are murdered every single year, a number that is unimaginable. It's devastating enough all on its own, and yet the impacts of this never-ending worldwide genocide are horrifying too. Animal ag is the leading cause of climate change. It destroys ecosystems and massively pollutes, causing mass extinction of wild animals and harming the most marginalized humans. It has been and continues to be used as a tool for human genocide, intentionally destroying the lifeways of indigenous communities. Most people who work in animal ag are impoverished if not enslaved, forced to do the dangerous and traumatizing work of brutal subjugation and slaughter, all for the profit of the capitalist class. Animal products are more than completely unnecessary, they are destructive and corrosive.

Who qualifies as a "person" is extremely political. Carnists insist that sentient nonhumans are not people because it excuses their oppression. "It's just an animal." Well, I'm just a woman, just a jew. My personhood has always been at risk as well, to those who wish to see me oppressed. The division between human and animal is as arbitrary as the division between man and woman, between jew and aryan.

Human supremacists show their whole ass when they try and essentialize differences enough to justify the complete debasement and subjugation of nonhumans. They will argue that nonhumans cannot speak English, as if one needs spoken language to have an interest in not being raped, or forced into labor, or murdered. They will argue that nonhumans are not as intelligent, as if IQ is a real thing, as if ordering society based on who the white man deems "intelligent" isn't a terrible precedent. They will argue that nonhumans lack certain abilities that humans have, as if all humans have those abilities, as if nonhumans don't have abilities that humans don't, as if ableism is totally okay when applied to the ones we desire to oppress.

Nonhumans have interests. They do not want to die. They resist their oppression. They fight to escape. When their children are taken from them, they scream and they cry, tears drip down their faces. When they resist laboring for us, they are coerced with violence. They are beaten, whipped, yelled at, broken, because we know they feel pain. We know they feel fear. We know because they communicate these feelings to us every day, and we choose not to listen. It's a good cope to pretend nonhumans are automatons, that they live some idyllic life on Old Macdonald's farm. Oppressors always tell themselves stories about how the oppressed prefer their oppression. There is no nice way to rape someone, no nice way to enslave, no nice way to murder.

Anyone denying the sentience of nonhumans either doesn't know what sentience is or is a liar.

Carnists are always grasping and moving the goalposts when it comes to justifying their ideology of supremacy. We do not exploit animals because we deem them to be inferior, rather, we deem animals to be inferior because we exploit them. The ideology arises from the material circumstances. The point, however, is to change them.

Animal liberation and human liberation are rooted together. So long as we live in a world where oppression of others based on ability, intelligence, and other arbitrary differences occurs, there will arise ideologies of supremacy which will in turn harm humans as well. So long as we destroy this planet through continued animal agriculture, we will continue destroying ourselves, especially the most vulnerable humans.

Upon the revolution, we must immediately abolish animal agriculture. But we cannot wait until then because we do not have time. The planet is already on fire. More importantly, nonhumans do not deserve to have their justice delayed for the comfort of their oppressors. Over a trillion nonhumans are murdered every year.

Hexbear admins begged for our silence because they wanted negative peace. They don't care about justice. They don't care about liberation. They cared only about their image. They banned indigenous vegans and vegans of color because those vegans challenged their image. They banned Jewish vegan mods like hamid and lotf because they dared to challenge the reactionary idea that we shouldn't be allowed to call the animal holocaust exactly what it is. Billions of nonhumans are held in concentrations camps (CAFOs) and killed in literal gas chambers every year. Reactionaries always prefer to listen to right wing jews than left wing ones. It doesn't matter to them that many holocaust survivors and their families are vegan and are begging, begging people to make the connection so that "never again" ever once means something other than Zionism.

I'm sorry I didn't say anything for so long. It was a mistake. Silence for the sake of negative peace is always a mistake.

  • chamomile [she/her,fae/faer]
    2 years ago

    You're missing the reason it was created in the first place.

    Here's the context: VCJ, an explicitly anti-capitalist sub, was in danger of getting banned on reddit. The vegan mods here, lotf and me, asked permission from the other hexbear admins to reach out to the VCJ mods and offer them a lifeboat community here. The hexbear admins unanimously supported this and actively praised me for working to bring in more users to grow the community. That was a big goal at the time. I don't know if it still is, considering hexbear continues to abuse incoming communities.

    We made an announcement here that we would be vcj's lifeboat because they were at risk of getting banned from reddit. During that week, before any new vegans or vcjers even joined, tons of carnists began abusing us, and making nasty posts meant to start shit. VCJ was getting blamed for shit long before they ever joined.

    I didn't sleep during that week because shit was off the rails. There were countless abusive posts and messages from carnists, hundreds of comments blowing up the site. I have no doubt that wreckers from places like kiwifarms were around. Much of the shit being posted was heinous and disturbing, and that's aside from typical reactionary carnism. I was in contact with other mods this whole time, but we all felt overwhelmed.

    Many promises and agreements were made among the admins at that time. We agreed that nonvegan reactionaries and abusers would be banned, just as we had done to sexist and transphobic reactionaries. We agreed that hexbear would be a default vegan website across the whole website, just as women's rights and trans rights are a default position of the site, but that people were allowed to be nonvegan if their nonvegan posting was CWed.

    Again, I hadn't slept for a week, but with these promises and assurances, I finally, finally was able to crash. When I awoke, instead of all the things we had agreed to, I found that c/strugglesessions was created. Instead of banning reactionaries and abusers, as was promised again and again, they were directed to a comm that promised lax moderation. Not only that, but it became a safe space for carnists to abuse us because vegans started getting banned instead, everywhere, even from that comm. Before, I could ban abusive nonvegans. After c/strugglesessions was created, I could not because it was a safe space for carnist abuse, and users camped on the modlog and would have rained even more hell if we tried.

    I never was even given the chance to weigh in on the creation of that comm. It was done and could not be undone without making the mods look contradictory, which would damage our optics. It should never have been created. We should have banned reactionaries instead of being cowards.