I just need to vent a little bit and get some feedback from people outside of my friends and family. They love me unconditionally and I know they are never unwilling to listen, but I feel like a broken record lately and really can't find the motivation or make it better. I've really been feeling like an insufferable burden because of my pessimism and cynicism around this topic, so I figure why not unload it on some internet strangers and see what insight I can get from some like-minded people.

I work in big corpo and really really hate it on multiple levels. Everyone around me seems to either be blissfully ignorant or they have found a way to swallow their pride and just exist. I am having a lot of trouble doing that and it makes me feel like an unappreciative shithead. I'm in a good position, in a stable company with a lot of great perks and benefits, but I'm just not happy. I hate the industry, the culture, the work itself, but the people around me have been there for 10+ years, so there must be something I'm missing. Am I wrong for not being able to suck it up and cash my check?

  • davel [he/him]
    9 months ago

    This is unfortunately not advice; maybe it’s an inspirational story.

    I recently left a cushy job at a large, prestigious Burgerland tech corp. By great luck and a little foresight, my team and our manager were crusty, cynical fucks who didn’t drink the corporate Kool-Aid, and this company is known for its Kool-Aid. The work we did was exemplary by the company’s own standards, but we were there for the paycheck. We did our white collar work with a blue collar attitude. It’s career limiting, but then I was never going to take a management position and lose my iww card.