CW the racist/transphobic parts
The suit also cites documentation saying “a ‘negro’ race is de-scribed as a ‘Subrace’ in the game and as having ‘average’ intelligence with a maximum intelli-gence rating of 9, while the ‘norse’ race has a minimum intelligence rating of 13.”
“The game also refers to the Black Lives Matter movement as ‘radical’”, it continues, while adding “Star Frontiers New Genesis also contains offensive transphobic material: it includes a specific gender option for the characters ‘Male/Female no bonuses, and no Trans’”.
2nd edition even made heroic goblins a canon thing. Power to our pickle-stealing comrades.
In fairness, they'd been doing Kobold Adventures in 1e for years. Some of the most fun adventures of the setting came out of their Kobold line.