I figured it would be nice to get a thread up for questions and comments that people may think don't deserve their own thread.

  • What are you reading?
  • What did you recently read that was good?
  • What did you recently read that was bad?
  • Do you have recommendations?

I just got done with Walking Dead (I know) and I couldn't help but enjoy the preview of Murder Falcon in the back of an issue. It's a story about a guy who gets the power to summon a giant muscly falcon with the power of playing metal. It's surprisingly heartfelt and bittersweet and it only runs for 8 issues so you can knock it out in a day if you really want to.

I also really like the new Ultimate Spider-Man stuff they're doing. It's nice to see Peter happy but I can't shake the feeling that they're gonna ruin his life very soon. Honestly I'm happy when Marble does anything that isn't the same thing they've been doing for 30 years. Check out Ultimate X-Men as well if you like capeshit type stuff.

  • batsforpeace [any, any]
    10 months ago

    Not reading that much right now, I tend to start stuff, lose attention, and eventually finish it months later. A couple things 'in progress', I might add more later:

    Sera and the Royal Stars (good art, good character design, generic writing), One Star Squadron (good art, good writing), Star Trek: Aliens (ok art, pretty good writing so far, has stories focusing on Klingon/Ferengi/Trill, not sure if it's canon, in reviews they say the Trill story is great), original X-Men by Lee and Kirby (good art for the time I guess. Neil Adams also did a bit of art for it towards the end before it got cancelled, writing is somewhat simplistic, standard stuff for the time, I'm checking it out mainly to get some background on how it all started)

    As for what I'd want to read right now: IDW Sonic, Justice League Dark (vol2 omnibus coming out soon, DC magic stuff is not bad at all, inherits a lot from the old Vertigo comics), more of the newer Hickman ultimate universe stuff, I read issue 1 of his new Spider Man and it seemed pretty good, but I think they're also all short mini series and not meant to be long ongoing series. I'm not sure how long Hickman will stay on. Maker is a good villain overall.