I had been pescatarian for years. In 2020 I had to consume chicken due to economic conditions. I'd like to phase it out of my diet, but I need to maintain a high protein diet as I am currently going through puberty. What would you suggest, comrades?

Thank you. <3

  • Nephron [he/him]
    2 years ago

    My go to cheap protein (other than beans and tofu and all the other great answers in here) is Textured Vegetable Protein (TVP). Sometimes called textured soy protein.

    Basically when the make soy bean oil they squeeze all the oil out of the beans and TVP is what's left. Soy its basically soy beans without any fat.

    You can get at bulk food stores for maybe 7$ a kg or so? Its about 50% protein by weight., and doesn't need to be refrigerated You can use it as a sort of mince or hamburger replacement in any meals you make. It doesn't really have a natural taste you will have to flavour with spices etc. Here is a recipe i make often

    I mix warm water and soy sauce, a splash rice wine vinegar, a small spoon of miso and a drop of sesame oil. Put that all in a bowl with about 40g of TVP, let it rehydrate( which only takes about 1 minute) and you’re done.

    I aim for a texture that is a little more firm kind of like crumbled Tuna, then mix it all with rice .

    Easy meal 2 seconds to make, nothing needs to be refrigerated, and has more than 20g of protein. Cost is under 1$.