It shouldn't be surprising but I think a lot of obsession with "decadence" (or any other label nebulous enough that it can be applied to any group I dislike on cultural grounds alone) on the left is coming from reactionary factions.

  • GrouchyGrouse [he/him]
    2 years ago

    The "sexual/gender stuff is bourgie decadence and deviant" attitude needs to die.

    Imagine you're some atomized mote of a person under late capitalism and you have very little agency. You say "well, at least I can always control how I present to the rest of the world."

    These nazbol dipshit types: :bugs-no:

    Like really, this is the furthest I could distill it. This is the end point as far as I have discovered. People want to have control over their bodies and how they present their bodies and their attitudes to the rest of the world, expecting some kind of mutually positive affirming ritual that builds society. Just fucking look at the Capitalist concessions, mein gott man. :zizek:

    You think gay or trans people are going to effect Capital? Will increasing their marginalization cut dollars from the 800+ billion USA military budget? The military already said gays could serve. They are already adapting the bulwark of capitalism and they are doing it ahead of you. You are falling behind Capitalism when it comes to treating your fellow humans as the people they'd like to be treated as. What the everloving fuck is wrong with you? Go to Tacoma, open Tinder, and have a good weep, you fucking nazbol dweeb. God. Damn. The working masses of the world are full of theists. You gonna create a theistic Marxism and abandon materialism to win them over? I think not. What's next, Sharia Marxianism? Marxo-Mormonism? This is one hot step away from the whole "these jobs are real labor, these other jobs aren't" kinda gatekeeping bullshit.

    Social conservatism in my leftism is like pouring rancid milk into breakfast cereal. Fuck outta here with that shit. I would be very very surprised if we broke all this down to its simplest working parts the whole root of this argument is sexism. Just sexism with a new coat of paint.