We're offering our inexpert advice in all things automotive.

We might discuss your question on our podcast. Yes, this means that we've run out of ideas for episodes and are too lazy to do research.

Edit: Thanks for the questions everyone. We didn't have time to answer all of them on the show but I'll try to answer all of them on here. The episode probably won't be out for over a month since we've got a backlog of editing to do.

  • trabpukcip [he/him]
    5 months ago

    I keep coming back to diy for install, ultimately. Can't diy the whole kit cuz I would need to emissions test it, so I'd need the fuel cards instead of real fuel management. Still looking like $6k if I do all labor myself, and it's just a too rich for my blood. Guess I'll be slow and reliable

    • CarsAndComrades [comrade/them]
      5 months ago

      Not sure what you mean by fuel cards but if it's pre-OBD2 (1995) you should be able to pass the tailpipe emissions test with a Megasquirt ECU or similar. There's also piggyback systems that work with the stock ECU if the emissions test requires that.

        • CarsAndComrades [comrade/them]
          5 months ago

          You might be able to find a used Flyin' Miata Voodoo Box but they don't make them anymore. I don't know of any other piggyback systems made specifically for a Miata.

          Sometimes you can find a deal on good used turbo stuff but it's a crapshoot.

          You could also get a plug-and-play ECU like Megasquirt and swap everything back to stock for the emissions test. Or at least swap in the stock ECU and injectors and wire the wastegate open so it doesn't make boost.

          • trabpukcip [he/him]
            5 months ago

            These have all crossed my mind, but then it starts to feel like an endless project. I guess I just wanted to vent about the cost to add horsepower cuz damn it's crazy