• LeninsRage [he/him]
    2 years ago

    Human Revolution is fine. It's not the original but then again you can't remake the depth of the original with this generation of technology. The gameplay is good in its own right except for the unskippable boss fights that were literally outsourced to another studio.

    The writing is incredibly muddled though. They really can't decide what they want cybernetic enhancement to be a metaphor for.

    • UlyssesT
      4 months ago

      deleted by creator

      • LeninsRage [he/him]
        2 years ago

        Okay so having gotten around to watching these a day later I do feel compelled to come to the defense of Human Revolution's color scheme:

        In the context of 2011, the yellow-and-black color scheme and tinting was a point in the game's favor. This was the era of the washed-out "art" styles of dull greys and browns that had been popularized since 2006 by Gears of War, and were still the mainstream norm (Modern Warfare 3, for a contemporary example). At the time the black-and-yellow was comparatively novel. Funny enough he does bring up similarly-contemporary Battlefield 3 which is one of the worst examples of the era - the extremely bright blue-grey tint was so bad it actually made me personally ill to watch or play and was one of the main reasons I swore off any of those sequels for good.