Flushing the toilet when there's nothing in it but differently coloured water is a waste, but I understand why you have to do it in a social context. I would prefer not to needlessly strain my shitty pipes, but I prioritise other people not needing to know that I piss just like they do.
Anyways, this is a very obtuse way of asking how many times does a person have to come to your apartment before you can shamelessly not flush the toilet after (visibly) peeing?
Flush the toilet what the hell is wrong with you
If it's yellow let it mellow
If it's brown flush it down
I will not be taking questions
Sink pissers rise up.
We have nothing to lose but our invitations to other people's homes!
A competent sink pisser is never going to be caught. Just make sure if you dribble on the edge to wipe it up and give the sink a quick spritz of water.
oh ive seen some toilet systems (maybe just a urinal?) that is positioned under the sink bowl so that when you wash your hands it rinses the piss down with that water
your synthesis but unironically. dialectics always wins
most correct use of dialectics
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I mean if you live in the southwest US or any other place facing water shortages you should absolutely not flush piss alone.
I feel like that's approaching the point where you should get a pee recycling toilet with separate holes for 1 and 2
Certainly in the falgsc future that'll be the case
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If all else fails hit the handle
with friends around.
This is for septic systems because flushing too much just water (including urine, from the perspective of the bacteria) fucks up the ratios.
I care about my water consumption. It might not mean much now, but it'll be great to build up a habit before the Water Wars start.
Get a toilet that is dual flush. One setting for piss and another for shit
Get a flushless/waterless urinal if the parts provide the use.
You can get a dual-flush conversion kit for your toilet, it replaces the flapper valve thing and the handle. And it's really adjustable so you can make sure it uses the minimum amount of water to flush your piss.
Or put a brick in the tank.