yeah they do all that BS for the western press, saying "Oh it's an 'I' over an 'N' meaning "Idea of the Nation", trust me bro!" as if we don't see the black sun in the background lol
it's totally just a wolfsangel which was used by nazi units in WW2 and the "idea of a nation" thing is just BS they use to cover it. the ukrainian for "Idea of a Nation" is Ідея Нації, so why would they use two latin letters instead? If they overlayed "І" and "Н" instead which is how it looks in Ukrainian, they'd get something like a trident, which is also important to them, but instead they go for this obviously German-derived wolfsangel thing.
Idk why but Slavic words that sound like English words always crack me up.. My favorite Russian one is документ. It sounds like a Hollywood version of a Soviet villain speaking broken English.
yeah they do all that BS for the western press, saying "Oh it's an 'I' over an 'N' meaning "Idea of the Nation", trust me bro!" as if we don't see the black sun in the background lol
In before Latvia justifies all those swastikas as 4 Ls which represent "Live Love Laugh Latvia".
It actually is an I over an N, it's just that the meaning is Incredibly Nazi.
it's totally just a wolfsangel which was used by nazi units in WW2 and the "idea of a nation" thing is just BS they use to cover it. the ukrainian for "Idea of a Nation" is Ідея Нації, so why would they use two latin letters instead? If they overlayed "І" and "Н" instead which is how it looks in Ukrainian, they'd get something like a trident, which is also important to them, but instead they go for this obviously German-derived wolfsangel thing.
Idk why but Slavic words that sound like English words always crack me up.. My favorite Russian one is документ. It sounds like a Hollywood version of a Soviet villain speaking broken English.
I dont know how that makes it any better lol