This was inspired by a post I saw the other day.

In my city, there’s a fast food restaurant where people regularly use the drive through, park in a nearby neighborhood to eat, and when they’re done just toss their trash out the window.

What’s to be done about this in an ideal world? My initial thought is that “police” should stake it out and hand out littering tickets to those doing this.

Of course, these police would be unarmed, properly trained in deescalation, and maybe not even part of a greater police department (supposing such department even exists).

But I’m worried that this is just a super lib response, and wondering what your thoughts are. I’m a bit troubled by handing out these fines - these are potentially hundreds of dollars to people who can’t afford it. And an alternative sentence of community service to clean up trash, while there seems to be a sense of proportionate justice to it, is of course forced labor and would be unconstitutional under the 13th amendment but for that exception that people on this website love to quote and dunk on. Moreover, this is a deterrence-based approach which opens its own can of worms.

  • xijinpinglive4ever [none/use name]
    2 years ago

    And how do you expect to uphold any of these laws without some kind of police force? The fact is if there was some kind of leftist overthrow of the US government there would need to be some sort of police force, nobody that is currently is a cop or is white should be allowed to be apart of this of course, but the state must have the monopoly on violence because the party should control the state. Anarchists think that humanity is capable of governing itself without a higher force, their efforts to abolish the American police force is useful to us, but eventually we would have to implement red cops. Anyways violence is cool when we do it.

    • innocentlurker [he/him]
      2 years ago

      I didn't mean abolish all organized law enforcement. I guess what I meant is that any police force should hold business accountable and the law should also state as much. The notion that supplying people with litter to throw is on business. Same with single use plastics etc. I feel like shuffling police duties and behaviors around without addressing who is the criminal in littering isn't a complete analysis. Capitalism assigns the responsibility to the powerless constantly.