They changed half the cast almost arbitrarily and I spent the first 20 minutes being like :jesse-wtf: trying to figure out what happened.

Apparently there was like a 15 year time jump or something but most of the characters that didn't change actors look pretty much the same.

Anyway, the show remains very mid, but this bugged he hell out of me. I kinda feel like they went through all the trouble just so they could have a young looking actress get mostly nude in the first arc. Either that or some galaxy brain scheme to save on labor costs.

  • Diogenes_Barrel [love/loves]
    2 years ago

    i haven't watched it yet but i have been thinking critically about how bizarre the timeskip/cast change is logistically.

    like is this show expected to run literally one season? why wouldn't you save this shit for a season change? how could there not be more to explore in the 'setting up' season for a 'shits going down' season? Season 1 of the predecessor series very much ended on an 'inciting incident' cliffhanger for warfare that was coming, when theres 15 fucking years between the essential set up bits and the bloody bits that is, to me, even more reason to save that.

    perhaps the source material doesn't lend itself to a very long series? or didn't have enough content before a timeleap (assuming there even is one). idk its slightly interesting from a production standpoint but i cant be bothered to do research on a fairly mediocre project so far

    • ssjmarx [he/him]
      2 years ago

      My understanding is that the showrunners initially wanted to start the series right after the timeskip, and show everything that we've seen so far in flashback and/or just allude to it in dialogue, but GRRM insisted that they do all of the prelude stuff like normal episodes which is what resulted in the strange pacing so far.

      • Diogenes_Barrel [love/loves]
        2 years ago

        :picard-annoyed: what a fucking weirdo. finish your damn book and stop making other mediums based on your books fucked up ya dweeb

        • ssjmarx [he/him]
          2 years ago

          He's never gonna finish it lmao. I think he's just straight up lost interest - should have stuck to his original plan of making it a trilogy.

      • Prolefarian [he/him]
        2 years ago

        This makes sense... Once I figured out what happened I was like... Why the hell wouldn't they just start the show when they were older?

    • Prolefarian [he/him]
      2 years ago

      This. There's so many better ways they could have handled it.