• Tangentism@lemmy.ml
    5 months ago

    I always find not travelling to regions known for sex tourism then being caught in a hotel room with 11 & 12 year old children really helps to maintain my reputation of not being a paedophile.

    But you do you.

      • Tangentism@lemmy.ml
        5 months ago

        Not really comparable between the media feeding frenzy surrounding the McCann disappearance and a US sex tourist being caught in a hotel with 2 children.

        • ezchili@iusearchlinux.fyi
          5 months ago

          I just picked the first one when you google "media ruined life"

          It's a matter of principle

          There's hundreds of examples, pick your favorite

          • Tangentism@lemmy.ml
            5 months ago

            Again, not really comparable.

            He is not someone like the guy framed by all the Reddit imbecilic sluths after the Boston marathon bombings, nor is he like Christopher Jefferies, accused by the media of murdering one of his tenants, just because he's a bit eccentric.

            The guy was caught in a hotel room with children in an area known for sex tourism & he chose to bolt the country after his arrest.

            It's not like it's an farcical comedy where a series of events transpired and his trousers fell down just as the police entered the room.

            If you don't want your name released after being arrested in a hotel with local children entirely unrelated to you, then maybe don't invite local children up to your hotel and be getting arrested.

            Like I said previously, I find it incredibly fucking easy not to be a child raping paedophile. It's so easy that very little thought goes into it so I don't have to deal with the consequences of even it being inferred despite no evidence of any crime having taken place.

            So much so that I have zero fucking empathy for anyone that is.

            • ezchili@iusearchlinux.fyi
              5 months ago

              Not comparable

              It's a matter of principle, pick any of hundreds of examples if you want a comparison

              Again, not comparable

              Some people

                  • FunkyStuff [he/him]
                    5 months ago

                    If I had to pick which person is exhibiting reddit-logo behavior in a discussion where one side is playing devil's advocate for a dude who had 2 small children in his hotel room in an area known for kidnapping and child sex abuse, and another is saying the obvious despite not technically having strong evidence beyond the previously stated, my finger's on the guy that doesn't understand burden of proof.

                      • FunkyStuff [he/him]
                        5 months ago


                        The proof is the article, the burden of proof to provide a comparable case of someone who happened to be doing the most suspicious thing possible and was crucified by the media, yet turned out to be innocent, is on you.

                        • ezchili@iusearchlinux.fyi
                          5 months ago

                          There's confusion. I've maintained that to me, the goalpost is conviction. I cited an article that's less damning for sure but I still motivate my goalpost by principles, not examples. It's simpler to rely on an already established baseline, which is the justice system's convictions, and I'm okay if that means that sometimes, a very plausibly guilty man benefits from undeserved anonimity

                          But you know, every time I say that homeowners should indeed face jailtime for shooting a fleeting burglar in the back I face the same people with the same arguments

                          People like to be tough on crime, but I don't like people who feel the need to do justice themselves

                          • Alaskaball [comrade/them]
                            5 months ago

                            But you know, every time I say that homeowners should indeed face jailtime for shooting a fleeting burglar in the back I face the same people with the same arguments

                            Homeowners who murder people should be thrown in jail.

                            Pedophiles should be thrown in jail.

                            Very easy and simple to say.

                            I don't understand how you gotta keep running defense for pedophiles.

                      • Tangentism@lemmy.ml
                        5 months ago

                        I understand the burden of proof but the guy isn't in a court.

                        He travelled to an area known for sex trafficking and was caught in a hotel room with 2 children he had no earthly connection to and was arrested by police. He decided to bolt the country knowing what he had done was wrong.

                        It amazing how you keep jumping to different arguments defending the guy when you realise just how fucking tenuous your point is.

                        Let's examine something else here: nowhere have you shown one iota of concern for those children. Nothing about living in an area with obvious poverty that they are easily swept up by sex tourists and abused.

                        Not anything for the sex workers who are suffering the brunt of the fallout from this with the police chief using it to beat them with.

                        You're only concern is for an American, very likely white collar worker who has travelled overseas to an area known for sex trafficking and has been caught in a hotel with two children.

                        That is where your concern lays.