• Cowboyitis69 [he/him]
      2 years ago

      The world is ending. I’m at the point where I don’t blame anyone for trying to take their own life :shrug-outta-hecks: I’m at the point where I think about suicide almost all the time

        • Frank [he/him, he/him]
          2 years ago

          I mean is he wrong though? Shit's totally fucked, and it's not going to get better. Global warming, resurgent fascism, war with China and Russia, constantly falling standards of living so dire no one can even afford to have children? I don't blame anyone who chooses to just skip all this shit, and I totally understand why kids would make that decision. They're going to have it much, much worse than I will.

          • UmbraVivi [he/him, she/her]
            2 years ago

            It is going to get better. The question is just how bad it will get before things improve, but they will. We are on the verge of societal collapse, and things will really suck for a while, but people are pretending like that's where it ends. It doesn't.

            Empires have collapsed before, entire civilizations have ended. The Black Plague has killed like a third of Europe's population at one point, China has been through famines that killed 9-digit-amounts of people.

            But none of that has ever been "the end". The end of the Western hegemony and our current style of life will undoubtedly be the end for some, maybe even a lot of people, but eventually things will improve. It won't be the same it is now, but it's not like humanity will just be over.

            • Frank [he/him, he/him]
              2 years ago

              It is going to get better.

              It really is not. I get that people want to be optimistic and hopeful, but this isn't the century for that. We're going to see hundreds of millions dead in the next fifty years from global warming and the resulting breakdown of society. And then for the next 2,000 years, minimum, huge parts of the earth are going to be uninhabitable by humans.

              • UmbraVivi [he/him, she/her]
                2 years ago

                This is just doomerism. You can't possibly predict what's going to happen over the next 5, let alone 50 years.

                • Frank [he/him, he/him]
                  2 years ago


                  Buddy do you even IPCC reports? We know exactly what's going to happen. A huge band of the earth near the equator is going to be too hot for humans to survive and too hot to sustain agriculture. Hundreds of millions of people live in that band. They're all going to have to flee or die. Hundreds of millions of refugees will lead to a snowball collapse of nations all across the globe. Most countries will already be dealing with food stress due to global warming altering climates and rendering large areas unsuitable for agriculture when they get slammed with millions and millions of refugees. It's going to cause a breakdown of civilization on a planetary scale. There is no precedent for this in human history. Nothing like this has ever happened before. it's going to be a century of horror undreamt of.

                  Oh and this is without mentioning ocean acidification rendering the oceans unable to support life, or the massive die off of biodiversity in the course of the sixth great extinction. And this is just the stuff we can predict. Throw in a nuclear war, or a couple of pandemics, or the collapse of the rubber industry, or or or or or or. It's all bad. Nothing good is coming. There are no solutions anymore. This is what is going to happen because climate change is irreversible at this point, and there's no reason to believe greenhouse gas emissions will be stopped or even meaningfully curtailed at any point in the near future.

                  I get it, ignorance is bliss. But if you don't want to deal with reality keep it to yourself.