About a month and a half ago, my partner had to move into my 1BR place, because her apartment complex caught fire and she can't live there anymore. We both came close to dying, because there were no smoke detectors in the hallway, and the alarm only went off because someone pulled it. By that time, there was too much smoke in the hallway for us to get out safely, but we both got a few lungfuls before we figured that out, and had to spend the night in the ER. We're trying to file a lawsuit, but most of the other tenants are low-income and don't have the time or energy to help out. It's been incredibly rough on my partner; she's been unable to work since the fire and it's all putting strain on her mental health and our relationship.

Yesterday, my landlord told me that he's going to raise my rent by 15%, since she's now living with me. The lease said that I'm the only one who can live here so he pretty much has me by the balls. I can afford it, but it's just another kick in the ribs from just another parasite landlord.

There's even more insanity regarding the fire, some of which has even ended up in the local news, but I don't want to dox myself. I just... hate landlords. Hate. Hate.