On stormfront you’ll read in massive subs such as r/soccer that Paris has a pocket of safety surrounded by pure crime. They’ll say shit like, “I went to Vienna and Budapest and not once did I feel unsafe”
You ‘felt’ unsafe? Are you just shitting your pants everytime you encounter an Arab or someone with slightly more melanin content? Like, almost every city I’ve ever been to where people say it’s unsafe is just a place with more minorities and I’ve never once felt unsafe.
Edit: check out this thread
theres definitely issues but in prague youll be fine. its definitely not as diverse as other cities though which has its own host of problems (re: ive heard about people staring a lot because they almost never see black people).
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new bit: taking colloidal silver to turn yourself blue and refer to yourself as a person of color
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New bit: Dealing with the crushing reality that you are getting older, always getting older, and that whatever deep-seated insecurities you hope to suppress by being a weird hateful loser online are only metastasizing, warping you into something almost certain to die alone and afraid, having never known love. You are running out of time.
friendly fire goddamn, i know you’re responding to the bait but there’s no need to do me like this
I went back and forth on adding "hateful" as a qualifier because using it on these types by itself is lib shit that will only provoke a :yes-chad:, but I think there's enough other vitriol on there that I can add an anti-friendly fire caveat without watering it down lol.
But even before that, I recognize your username and I don't think any of it applies to you:soviet-heart:
but I’m still a loser and will likely die alone :shrug-outta-hecks:
Nah if you see a humanistic goal beyond just yourself, and have comrades that you struggle with, you are part of an ever-renewing braid of rope. If you live for others, you can understand yourself as a piece of a puzzle that has the capacity to experience things.
Chuds don't have this.
Better bit: cutting of your head :xi-reactionary-spotted:
Still not banned? :pathetic: