I can't help but think that we are doing this all for nothing (swear I'm not a :fedposting:, but I need someplace to get this off my chest.)

Look around the internet, hell look around real life. The idiot masses are all mindlessly genocidal against non-whites, queer people, non-Christians, women, even the flora and fauna of the earth, you name it. They hate peace and love and think it's lame. If you survey most Americans, they LOVE nazism and LOVE fascism.

Look at all the mass shootings and hate crimes. Literally EVERYONE except us laughed at it and celebrated it, from Christchurch to Buffalo. People overwhelmingly vote nazis into office because they love nazism. We are going to go extinct from climate breakdown because everyone chose to pollute to "LE EPIC TROLL!" So while fascism is objectively evil, it is still the most in touch with humanity's innate evil nature.

If I were to defend myself, or any other group being targeted LITERALLY for no reason, they are all-powerful and omnipresent so I will be annihilated before I even speak my first word against them. It's considered okay for them to hate me for fun, but everyone calls foul when I return the favor. Also, there is NOTHING that conservatives are insecure about so I can't even so much as hurt their feelings. All I really can do is keep my head down and just take it for these monsters and hope they are sated before they consider physically hurting me or redacting me, and getting away with it because everyone loves them and loves fascism. I am alone in this world.

We are going to die of some genocide of climate breakdown because it makes 99.99999% of humanity happy, and there is nothing we can do about it.

  • Tommasi [she/her]
    2 years ago

    Looking around in real life I don't really agree with you. The vast majority of people don't laugh at mass shootings or do "LE EPIC TROLL" pollution outside of niche online communities. I don't know anyone who celebrates hate crimes and if I did I would immediately cut contact with them.

    Most people are not fascists. Fascists just push this narrative that everyone secretly agrees with them but are afraid to say it, but it's not actually true. Which is why they need to make up stories about stolen elections etc., when their people can't even beat neoliberal ghouls that are almost universally disliked.

    There's a pretty large percent of people with awful political views, sure. Some of it due to constant propaganda and some of it because they're just shitty people. But way more people are just apathetic as they go through their daily struggles, since they can't influence politics anyway. Like 95%+ of people have no idea how our political and economic system work anyway (per intention of the ruling class) and can't actually make informed decisions about politics.

    Also, there is NOTHING that conservatives are insecure about

    Extremely untrue. The conservative middle class is terrified that they have lost, or are in the process of losing, their societal privileges and are becoming the new victims of capitalism. Fear is their primary political motivation.

  • GnastyGnuts [he/him]
    2 years ago

    Not to sound patronizing, but how much time are you spending in shitty online communities vs interacting with people in real life, who aren't so internet-poisoned? The US sucks and people have lots of brainworms, but most people do not outright agree with fascists or laugh off mass shootings and hate-crimes.

    The shittiest attitudes that most people have, in my opinion, are not that deeply held -- they're the kind of uncommitted and unexamined beliefs that people acquire through cultural osmosis (our culture is largely bad), but can be shed under the right circumstances.

  • JoeByeThen [he/him, they/them]
    2 years ago

    If it was so easy to make people fascist they wouldn't need multiple billion dollar media networks to manufacture our consent 24/7. They wouldn't need to spend millions on astroturfing groups for those media networks to report on. They wouldn't need to constantly raise funding for police and military. They wouldn't need federal agencies sowing doubt and discord among subversives. They wouldn't need to be afraid of us.

    • duderium [he/him]
      2 years ago

      A liberal I was arguing with for way too long totally lost it recently when I asked how his stocks were doing heheh. Fascism, too, is built on insecurity.

  • usernamesaredifficul [he/him]
    2 years ago

    I disagree even when someone in real life says something out of order I find if I gently call them out on it and ask them to explain themselves they can usually be talked around. The brainworms can be found and removed and over time and effort their brains become wormless

  • duderium [he/him]
    2 years ago

    Look around the internet, hell look around real life. The idiot masses are all mindlessly genocidal against non-whites, queer people, non-Christians, women, even the flora and fauna of the earth, you name it. They hate peace and love and think it’s lame. If you survey most Americans, they LOVE nazism and LOVE fascism.

    90% of the world is with communism. The other 10% is either haute or petite bourgeois, with the vast majority of these having white skin and living in the USA or Western Europe. They control the corporate press, however, so they like to make it look like the situation is hopeless. Bernays and the CIA pulled this shit in Guatemala—trying to convince everyone on the ground that the battle is over before it's even begun. They're still doing it now. They either don't talk about communism or they pretend the battle already ended decades ago.

    As for Americans, the situation is tough because of the huge financial power of imperialism and white supremacy. Typically the less money people have, the more open they are to socialism, and capitalism cannot survive without proletarianizing and dispossessing huge numbers of people both within and without the imperial core. It is inevitable that as capitalism devours itself—like it always has, right from the very beginning—more and more people will start asking questions. At the same time, we cannot wait for the system to end on its own. It will actually just keep transforming into something even worse if we let it.

    I listened to the Yellow Parenti speech recently, which he gave in the late '80s when the USSR still existed, and although the speech is great, he's definitely way too optimistic, and seems to have no idea that he's right at the beginning of a world of pain (literally). At the same time you'll even see Lenin in 1916 or early 1917 saying that a workers' revolution probably won't happen for decades.

    Marxism is a science—we know that the overall rate of profit will continue to decline, aside from a few reactionary hiccups here or there—but there are so many variables it's very difficult to tell the future. Things could swing any way. The situation in the 1990s was extremely bad, but not so bad as in the year 1910—let's say—with European powers dominating the entire globe, and the idea of a workers' state a mere dream (aside from a few months during the Paris Commune).

    Today, however, we have China, Vietnam, the DPRK, Cuba, Venezuela, and Bolivia. Other countries like Russia or Iran with less-than-perfect governments have been forced by capital to side with us. Places like Haiti and Burkina Faso may soon rejoin us. Knock on wood, but Lula, for all his imperfections, will probably win Brazil in a few weeks—a country with hundreds of millions of people. Unionization and left militarism is on the rise in the USA, and the biggest uprising in American history took place in 2020. (Did anyone except that pseudo-Marxist Turchin dude see it coming?)

    Point being: the situation is not hopeless. It's not easy, either. Losing the USSR was almost a mortal blow. But a bright spot in this darkness is the fact that the liberals and fascists in charge have absolutely no idea what they are doing. They have immense wealth and power, which helps a great deal to mask their incompetence, but all of us know these kinds of people. All of us have talked with them, sometimes for many hours. Does anyone here believe that any of them are smarter than us? Hell, if I thought liberals were smarter, I'd still be a liberal myself!

    Still, if you're feeling down, generally I would recommend taking a break from the internet, going for a walk, exercising, meeting with friends, or—best of all—organizing for power.