duderium [he/him]

  • 230 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 27th, 2020

  • It’s her turn hillgasm

    For real though it doesn’t even matter who they run. The democrats are petite bourgeoisie who believe whatever the corporate press tells them. They’ll fall in line behind whatever dogshit candidate the DNC chooses because whoever the RNC chooses will somehow be worse even though they’ll actually be the same, just with slightly different definitions of what constitutes politeness.

  • Yeah this is definitely just the bourgeoisie wanting to cull the weak. I also think that anti-masking is coming from liability concerns. If everyone is masking, that means that people are in danger, capital accumulation cannot proceed, and workers will have grounds for lawsuits (at the very least). Any sort of universal policy or program is also a danger to the bourgeoisie, which maximizes profits by atomizing people into individual consumers.

  • Seriously what is up with bigfoot being everywhere these days. Maybe it’s just where I live but I see bigfoot bumper stickers every day. Always on trucks. There’s a place I pass on my commute which has a striking cement statue of bigfoot out front. I feel like it must be connected to the emasculation of the american male. “I’m a big strong hairy manly forest man,” I think as I willingly surrender 99% of the value I create to the capitalist class.

  • duderium [he/him]tomoviesShit, they know.
    21 days ago

    I feel like the Soviet satellite just lying randomly in the middle of an irradiated desert was kind of another victory lap for capitalism.

  • duderium [he/him]tochapotraphouseFood
    25 days ago

    I have coworkers who purchase takeout food and/or coffee every single day despite their having literally no money (one coworker actually ran out of money one day and refused like five offers from me to buy him lunch) so I’ve been wondering about this. I make my own lunch and coffee and save immense amounts of money from doing so, but this may also be a form of privilege.