I've been playing Path a fair amount this league, and I have a ton of points left over from back when I was buying supporter packs, so I can equip us with a full set of specialized guild stash tabs (e.g. currency, essence, etc) if there's any interest. Plus, now that they've decided to push next league back to December, we have more time to play this one!

I'm generally online during the US East coast standard workday (though not necessarily available to do more than trade during those hours; sometimes I actually have to work, or at least attend meetings lol), and then again around 10:30 PM Eastern until about midnight to 1.

I mostly run uber lab (the regular one, not the new level 83 one; that one wrecks my poor excessively-movespeed-focused build). Been doing some endless heist lately too (great way to make some petty cash), and working up a minion character (SRS guardian) to hopefully take care of endgame stuff. Got a pretty good amount of in-game currency, so I can help people out some in that arena as well. Only 12/40 challenges done so far; not planning to push for 40 (did that once; never again) but it'd be nice to get up to 38 for the fancy wings, if anyone wants to try and push for that. Would be really cool to get enough people to do some rotas and stuff.

Anyway, if at least a few of you are interested, we'll need to decide on a name for the guild, and arrange for times to meet up in-game, and ideally someone will be up for creating and decorating our guild hideout as well (I can do it myself, but it'll be pretty drab and boring; my hideouts have never been heavily customized).

  • GoebbelsDeezNuts [any]
    2 years ago

    I would be totally into this but I'm still bummed out by the changes they made to the loot system.

    • Sphere [he/him, they/them]
      2 years ago

      I haven't noticed much difference, honestly. From what Chris was saying in response to that controversy, the changes should only have really affected people who were juicing their maps like crazy, so I suspect it's a bit overblown. Admittedly I don't play too many maps, so I can't say this with total certainty, but it's not like I haven't played any. Lab doesn't seem to have changed at all, and Heist results are in line with what people were saying about it in prior leagues.

      • GoebbelsDeezNuts [any]
        2 years ago

        I was a juicer I probably spent on average 50-100c per map, I played this league for 3 weeks and I was just pissing money into the wind.

        I don't get it, over all these years they built a whole system around making your maps more difficult and thusly more rewarding but then they flushed it? I understand they want to make some changes to make mapping more interesting but I don't understand them nuking a whole playstyle.

        I hope maybe they'll find some balance next league, but if they stick to their guns with the loot goblin mechanic I don't think I'll ever come back. :deeper-sadness:

        Sorry I also didn't mean to come in here and shit all over your guild idea, PoE is very fun I'm just salty.

        • Sphere [he/him, they/them]
          2 years ago

          Ah, that makes sense. Would be interested to hear more about what kinds of things you were doing to your maps. I never really got into mapping too much, honestly; it's always seemed like a really big chore to me. Sucks that they nuked your whole strategy though.

          I do understand, though, and I think they'll probably do some work to fix this. I say this because I quit the game after they did their whole flask rework. They made a series of changes (to flasks, to my beloved Raider ascendancy, to the passive tree, to synthesized belt mods, etc) that just completely wrecked my flask-and-movespeed-centered style, and it was pretty demoralizing. But coming back I've found that they fixed many of the things they broke along the way, and even added some new stuff that makes things even better than they were. My old labrunner build still doesn't really work without legacy items (they killed Molten Strike with that damn jewel change), but I found a new one that does, and it runs about as fast as my old build ever did outside of standard (over 450% increased movespeed), and with similar flask uptime. So they pretty well righted the ship even from my very fringe perspective on issues almost nobody else cares about (though I still miss "reduced flask charges used" belt implicits), and this whole loot thing is a ton more visible and has a lot more players upset, so I have no doubt they're working on it.

          In the interim, can I entice you by pointing out that there's plenty of money to be made elsewhere? Heist is good for petty cash at level 60-67, but at endgame levels it's good for a lot more than that!

          And the labyrinth is still a great way to make a lot of money, especially if you can keep up with the meta (I can't really--not totally sure how--so every league I kinda grope blindly until I find the big-money helmet bases lol). I think the biggest thing this league is the fact that you can now enchant corrupted items with the divine font if you have a Tainted Blessing, which is a real game-changer when it comes to top-tier enchanting bases. Haven't explored that option fully yet--good corrupted bases are expensive--but I've made some decent money there already.

          Also it's totally ok; commenting helps keep this thread "active" and thus more visible, so some conversation is helpful.

          PS: It's cool if you don't want to come back--I doubt I would have a year ago--but do please keep replying! Like I said, it helps keep the thread alive lol