read political theory challenge: impossible!

    • Frank [he/him, he/him]
      5 months ago

      The Xinjiang thing is incredible. Noted genocide deniers literally the UN human rights office out there denying genocides, amirite liberals?

      • Vncredleader [he/him]
        5 months ago

        the craziest thing is all they have to do is lessen their rhetoric and it wouldn't be as blatantly absurd. But the absurdity is the point. It cannot be "hey this is prejudiced policing" it MUST be a super holocaust. Because if China is a rational actor then there is no excuse for completely shutting out any talk of compromise or coexistence

        • Frank [he/him, he/him]
          5 months ago

          Right? There are legitimate critiques to be made of abuses and unjust treatment. Rounding up random people, detaining them for months, and making them sing bad nationalist songs? Wth? And there's important questions to ask about the counter terrorism actions by states, how public safety and stability should be weighed against the freedom of the people and their agency.

          And since that's all complicated and nuanced and also draws western atrocities during the GWOT in to contrast with the PRC's counter-terrorism program in Xinjiang they have to scream Genocide and fervently never learn anything about the situation.

    • ReadFanon [any, any]
      5 months ago

      Bring me in on this discussion if they appear here!

      I'm no Tibetologist but goddamn you're gonna have trouble finding a person who knows more about pre-annexation Tibet than me.

      I got into it with a disaporic Tibetan recently online who didn't know shit about their ancestral country's history and they were playing the ethnicity card (because apparently you can only know about a particular if your parents were born in that country?) We had a back-and-forth, they dodged all the uncomfortable questions... you know how all of that plays out. But anyway, eventually I lost my patience and dished out a long insult that was extremely specific to Tibetan history & culture and to this person's particular brand of nonsense - I knew they wouldn't understand it and that it just looked like a string of weird references but if you happened to know your shit about Tibet then it would have come off as an absolute roasting.