Is there a database of sorts for these things? It seems like there should be.

    5 months ago

    I'm setting up a media PC for my TV using refurbished hardware. The biggest pain right now is controlling the interface. I got one of those cheap keyboards with trackpads but they stopped working in a month. Reading this post makes me wonder if I can reuse one of the old IR remotes lying around in my home. Generating shortcut keys and binding them might be easy but what can be done for text/voice to text input?

      5 months ago

      Raspberry Pi having HDMI HEC put an end to me using those crappy remotes, now I just use my TV remote to control Kodi running on the rpi. I think there are adapters you can buy that will do it as well.

        5 months ago

        I'll have to read up on what you mean using IR remotes to control a Pi through HDMI HEC. The computer I'm using has an DP output that I've used an adapter to feed to my TV HDMI. So I may not be able to use your setup. But it sounds novel and interesting so I would definitely like to learn more. Thanks.

          5 months ago

          Yeah, so essentially the TV remote sends the signals down the HDMI cable to the raspberry pi to put it in its simplest terms. If you hold 0 for 3s or something (I have a Toshiba TV, so probably manufacturer specific), the remote then controls the TV the same way it does normally. I think there are HDMI CEC adapters you can buy, but the rpi has it built-in so I've not had to bother, I've been using it for about 5 years I think.

      5 months ago

      Found Justin Trudeau's Lemmy account y'all. Let's all point and laugh at the moron who thinks the Flipper Zero is genuinely useful for car theft!

            5 months ago

            Well naming the flipper zero isn't a bad thing, as far as I'm concerned the flipper zero is far too streamlined so all the removed on "hacking" tiktok do shit like spam your phone with pairing requests. the bad thing Trudeau is doing(and the reason I don't live there despite having citizenship) is taking away your God given right to own a gun for personal and property protection. The dumbass thinks he can take the guns successfully but in reality the innocent civilians only wanting to protect themselves will give their gun up to comply with the law, but the criminal with the gun is going to keep it and sell it or harm someone with it.