(note: while WSWS (trot site) uses CCP instead of CPC, they generally have good takes on China and support China against US imperialism)
(note: to clarify, this article is in support of Zero-COVID and sees the lifting of the policy as a grave mistake)
(note: i do not necessarily support all the shit wsws says i am not a fucking trot)
If the best source of your opinion is a Trotskyist website advocating for china to escalate it’s zero covid policy into a global revolution then yes, perhaps evaluate lol
Besides, most of the imperialist core’s state media have also adopted the position that china relaxing it’s zero-covid policy is now somehow bad and catastrophic, as though they were not saying the exact opposite three days ago.
The western media has adopted the position that people in Russia going to churches therefore we must....
hmm? I don’t understand.
You're doing the Parenti quote except you've taken the opposite of the intended message.
Besides, the 'best source of [their] opinion' isn't a trot website, it's literally every doctor in the world.
I’m literally posting Parenti emoji elsewhere, so yes, that is the point I’m making.
I trust the CPC to be handling this in the correct way that benefits the people of China.
Except you seem to have taken the exact opposite of the intended meaning of it
In the context of you arguing in favor of Let 'Er Rip you brought up the fact that western media agrees with you now
We appear to be miscommunicating here. Either way, I support the CPC in its decisions and trust that the people of China are being represented by their party.
I also have at no point said I support “let er rip”, neither has the CPC.
the western media is now attacking China for shifting away from zero covid, hence the Parenti quote.
The Washington Post:
the financial times:
the guardian:
Unsurprisingly, western media is also using this as an excuse to harp on about xinjiang again:
If you read the above, they’re upset that China is gradually adapting their policy and not “letting ‘er rip”, as you phrased it.
Blind trust is as good as blind hatred. We know, based on years of doctors telling us, what should be happening.
Do you think China is acting in the best interests of its elderly and immune compromised citizens by removing restrictions and letting covid spread more easily? If not, what constituency do you think gets to be 'the people' in the context of exercising political power here?
I'm not sure what you're trying to prove by posting a bunch of western media sources doing what we both agreed they're doing. It's entirely separate from the actual conversation and was only relevant to the degree you were using western media to validate your opinion
Regardless, I believe that the CPC is acting in the best interest of its people given the many points of information it has and the experts working within the party.
I also believe that their track record so far shows that the Chinese government are better equipped to make these decisions than westerners on the internet.
I’m glad we understand each other on this part of things now and are in agreement! That is good to hear. You had been confused previously and thought I meant something else, which is why I clarified with those examples.