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  • FourteenEyes [he/him]
    2 years ago

    Am I a bad person for not wearing a mask because 99% of everyone else is also not wearing a mask and wearing them has caused me panic attacks in the past?

    I am vaccinated and boosted and I got it in 2020 and then again earlier this year, and wearing the masks just feels pointless now. They did it. They did the Deus Ex thing where they ask Why contain it and then it spills over into the schools and churches and the bodies pile up in the streets. It killed any faith I had left in this country or the people who inhabit it and have any level of power. The white horseman has ridden and we wither in his wake, and I want to do so without teetering constantly on the edge of a panic attack because my stupid fucking brain can't tell the difference between a slight decrease in airflow through my nose and somebody strangling the life out of me.

    EDIT: To contextualize a bit further I worked grocery in 2020 and 2021, moving into an office job after that. I masked for a long time, but after the county mandate expired and was never renewed again... most people are vaccinated in my office, we have an office policy of masking up if you have any symptoms of any illness, not just covid, and our people traffic isn't too heavy... I feel like I'm making excuses but it really feels like the battle is lost, it has been decided by Those In Charge that a certain subset of the population will be fed into the wood chipper and there's really not a lot we can fucking do about it.

    • CheGueBeara [he/him]
      2 years ago

      Not a bad person because mask wearing is so infrequent now that you're not adding much danger.

      Wish you were able to comfortably wear one for your own health, though.