• YearOfTheCommieDesktop [they/them]
    6 months ago

    I went digging for where this had been posted before but it turns out it was just the mega: https://hexbear.net/comment/4668021

    I tend to agree with @the_itsb in being exceedingly skeptical of the takeaways and premise here

    Also this guy insists Chunka Luta are nazis on twitter iirc which is also deeply sus behavior without any evidence

    maybe revolution is not just around the corner, maybe its another thousand years of worsening barbarism, idk, but being like "hmm yes maybe our best chance is to let the corporations win and devolve into a pure monopoly and then take over that monopoly at some nebulous point in the future" is just counter fucking productive. We do have power to affect the world even if we can't topple global capitalism in the near term and anyone encouraging longtermism adjacent, or doomer adjacent ideas like this is worse than the most naive "any day now capitalism will fall" baby socialist

    his answer is literally "marxism will let me be self righteously satisfied with my understanding of the world and hopeful for the distant future while I do nothing (or maybe participate in an uprising, as long as its rooted in the understanding it will change nothing)"

    like come on. if you are that doom brained why are you even a socialist?

    He could have written a more persuasive version of this article if he like, advocated for doing anything despite his feeling that the odds are long, but he seems happy to concede that nothing need be done because the conditions aren't right. when the conditions become right, people like this will be out in the cold because they havent been fighting and organizing in preparation