Researchers were able to produce 2.5 megajoules of energy, 120 per cent of the 2.1 megajoules used to power the experiment.
Now we must wait to see if this is an aberration and can be done at scale. I'm ready for the world to change :party-parrot-science:
Government workers got the goods, fuck you capitalism, great 'innovation' you have :fidel-salute:
Somehow it will end up under the control of current energy ghouls. Or Jeff Bezos.
Dammnit we don't have a Lex 2000 graphic for Bezos. :lord-bezos-amused:
I read a book where the there was a dystopian Amazon hellscape and the twist was at the end there was cold fusion, but it was kept secret because it would potentially disrupt the Amazon business.
"The government invented cold fusion in 19XX0s but Exxon covered it up and killed everyone who independently invented it" has been a meme for at least decades.
It’s a useful idea/meme/copypasta/conspiracy because the truth at the heart of it is that those in power want to keep in power.