remember when you could get upvoted for calling out actual nazis?

in those heady days long ago of...february 2022

  • JoeByeThen [he/him, they/them]
    2 years ago

    last night I loaded up an old laptop and the first page chrome popped up with was /r/cth/new and the banned notice. Good times.

  • edwardligma [he/him]
    2 years ago

    semi-interesting sidenote: i got like 800 updoots for that post (cant remember but im guessing from what i wrote that it was getting downvoted until i edited it to add the link to details about azov), 300 for another, and other than that all ive posted on r*ddit this year are some other...'controversial' ukraine etc posts in worldnews in jan-feb that mostly got downvoted, and basically havent posted on the hellsite since late feb

    and yet it tells me im in the top 2% of upvoted posters lol

    so presumably the overwhelming majority of people on :reddit-logo: arent ever posting anything that ever gets any karma