Andrew Callaghan of Channel 5, formerly All Gas No Brakes

  • TheLegendaryCarrot23 [he/him]
    2 years ago

    I thought he was sober . Why do I know that ? Oh yeah I'm just as parasocial and boring as fuck as anyone . I also know that according to the American exception author he is regretful and realizes the YPG morphed into a dirty war and shit like bombing Raqqa was uhhh -not cool yo- despite it being filled with head chopping probably spook filled itself or atleast adjacent ISIS.

    There's also the Al Hol "refugee camp" with the women and children of ISIS run by the YPG and US military functioning as a concentration camp ( ) -2019 article but any recent news says it's still running- along with various "moderate rebels" while occupying North Eastern Syria which has the majority of Syria's oil resources and valuable trade routes which is apart of the ongoing project to strangle Syria/starve it with Sanctions (majority of Syrians live in government controlled areas).

    Truanon is fine there's not much point in having these media and parasocial battles .

    But regardless things like the continuing sanctioning and occupation of Syria matter so much more .

              • TheLegendaryCarrot23 [he/him]
                2 years ago

                "US Is occupying Syrias Oil fields for the Kurds " Yeah mhm for the Kurds . (The YPG also occupys some areas where Kurdish separatism is controversial) Read between the lines in this article , the same country along with the EU that imposed the Caesar sanctions, the same one strangling syria and causing a Humanitarian catastrophe is occupying fertile oil and wheat regions of the country.
                From the cradle :
       'Stolen Syrian oil: The fuel for Syria’s partition'

                The Sanctions are clearly in conjunction with the YPG/US military occupation (I believe there's still 5 US bases in Syria some right next to rebel proxy's) function as the tools to strangle and submit Syria, which -ever sense its independence- particularly after 67, (along with Syria's allying with the Soviet Union and then Russia particularly under Hafez starting 1970 after the US tried to overthrow its government in the late 60's -William Blums Killing Hope has a whole chapter on it- ) has been a bulwark to US hegemony and a festering sore of Independent nationalism. So to the imperialist it must be crushed and it's spoils divided . Nothing new under the sun lol

                  • TheLegendaryCarrot23 [he/him]
                    2 years ago

                    I don't really think things in Syria are at an equilibrium right now in the way that you're implying. Syrians are suffering and a major reason for that is the weight of empire on them. Hospitals don't have power/generators / lack of meat / no fuel / homelessness / general lack of commodity's/ opportunitys, all with a war in stale mate which includes those suffering in besieged and bombed out "terrorist" -a terrible word these days- held areas . Less attention partially because the full blown war has gone to a simmer but it's not an equilibrium imo.

                    As far as the initial rise to Kurdish insurgency it's not about good guys or bad guys . Kurdish people's have historical grievances in the region , although more so in south eastern Turkey and Syria's history with the Ba'ath party is complex because they were quite supportive of Kurdish movements -Ocalan even had a picture of Hafez Al Assad in his office in Syria- helping fund the PKK (which is de facto the YPG/Rojava in Syria) insurgency in Turkey which is the armed wing of the HDP.
                    They are radical and separatist . US proxy war in Syria suffice to say funded both the Islamist and let ISIS rise and funded Kurdish separatism, but these are also all organic movements. It's all very complex I could go on too much . I'll just say this sorry for sectarianism: It ended up having in effect that Ocalans movement sort of has had sense its inception: Chaos , imperialism, bloodshed .