In 2019, Oakland effectively voted to decriminalise mushrooms- a progressive move for a city with a long history of punishing its black residents for drug use. Now some black residents are using them to heal from the racial trauma they deal with in everyday life.
Psilocybin as mutual aid is going to be a powerful force. /r/unclebens is the easiest growing technique and will give you a large enough surplus to gift without thinking about the cost.
There isn't NIMBY opposition to psychedelics. A supervised injection site or needle exchange would be great but the issue of where to put it threatens wealthy crackers. With psychedelics there isn't the same use stigma, criminal black market, or medical grey area that they can seize on. When we were passing Prop 122 locally the main opposition was right-wing Christians who oppose everything good. That bill also came from a grassroots groundswell, so the state wasn't pushing psychedelic legalisation on us. The state for its part has been adamant about banning them and research into them for decades, something we chipped away at slowly and with significant structural barriers. We were forcing it on them because the substances work.