I only frequent like 5 websites these days, and the content gets old real quick. This was less of a problem when I used social media but social media is bad for my mental health. Yes I could go outside but its cold and it makes my back ache.
What cool underground websites do you frequent?
reasons the internet is changing:
- A few websites monopolized. Instead of multitude of small personal websites, with passion projects and theories on same webpage, you now view a "youtube channel". This means lower diversity of viewpoints (youtube bans) and also less in-depth study of any one person's ideology (youtube sidebar distractions)
- Those few websites are so big nothing could replace them. The ease of information we're accustomed to now prevents us from searching alternate sources of info, because too much work
- google does not work anymore. stopped working sometime in 2019. I don't know if this is nefarious, or if just so much junk built-up over the decades that they have to scrub 90% of the results.
- people's lives suck more, so interacting with them on the internet also sucks more
I've found GenXer and Boomers are the most interesting people on the internet. (I'm Milennial)
A lot of them are crazy and stupid, but at least the stuff they say is different, and it makes it feel like there's a different world out there other than tiktok-dance-fad-normie-verify.your.identity.everywhere-circuit and discord-whitecel-hitler-4chan circuit. And if they do end up saying politically stupid things, it's at least tempered by the fact that they didn't get their entire worldviews from watching the same 10 youtubers
I haven't really learned/heard anything interesting or new from talking to zoomers. I guess this could just be partially a general age thing. But I also earnestly think our Millennial internet back in 2010 was also much more interesting and pleasant. Even the fash back then had less of their ego tied up in it, and I can only attribute the change since to the fact that Zoomers are having less sex and producing a bunch of men who adopt fascism and race-war aesthetics as a substitute for individual self-esteem. Zoomer culture is definitely the most homogenized one, and also the largest one on the internet.
lol dead internet theory was just a dumb creepypasta/conspiracy shower thought until the AI tech stuff that came out this year.
unless you look at it via a Marxist lens, then it was dead since 2007.
You're greatly underestimating software
2/3s of internet traffic from bots
Lots of articles on many websites (especially financial news) are Markov Chain text generation as a template with the better ones using edited GPT-2/3 outputs
unless you look at it via a Marxist lens, then it was dead since 2007.
what happened in 2007?
The iPhone released in the summer of 2007. I've always thought the internet drastically changed after that happened. The internet stopped being a thing you'd sit down and do as its own thing, instead it became an integrated aspect of everything you do.
woah I think it took a few years to really spread to the deeper corners of the old internet but yeah that feels like about when it happened to me (I exclusively phone hacking forums, read star wars speculation forums, guitar shit, and a few video game forums in my internet-as-its-own-thing time in 2007)
The internet actually died September 1993 after you could use it at home and after new people started using it all the time. Used to be you could wrangle and teach the new comers proper netiquette but after that, no one could manage them. The Eternal September (September used to be the bad month because that's when a new crop of college students would log on for the first time and the internet would be shitty for a bit).
I mean obviously Dead Internet Theory is dumb bullshit invented by terminally online manbabies. Look at the wording. I didn't say it is real, I said it feels real.
It also doesn't help that a lot of the "underground" content is also horribly bigoted and actively trying to stay underground so they can continue their bigotry unchallenged.
There really aren't any anymore. Social media gobbled all that traffic up.
:geordi-no: Dead Internet Theory
:geordi-yes: Dead Earth Theory :covid-cool: :nuke:
It's not so much "underground" as "buried where nobody can see it."
This was the chapo.chat before chapochat and it was always lame
lol i remember trying to switch to that site from reddit 2 years ago and giving up because it has like 20 users
bogleech.com is a Web 1.0 style blog by a One Weird Guy who is genuinely passionate about niche stuff, runs a webcomic when he has time, and has mostly good politics.
http://midnight.pub/. You can read it from gemini, but only post from web.