The 45+ crowd will vote for him because they support isn'treal and are afraid of Drumpf but I think we're going to see a massive drop out of young voters. Probably too with the people who already don't vote to begin with, namely service workers who are fucked over either way with D's and R's.

And here I thought Biden was going to win in November, time to eat crow.

  • edge [he/him]
    5 months ago

    lmao betting markets.

    Biden is going to lose, it’s that simple. The genocide alone is enough to make him lose Michigan, Georgia was a razor thin margin that won’t happen again, and Trump leads in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Arizona.

    The first two plus any one of the last three is enough for Trump to win.

    He’s done next to nothing to actually help people while instead sending hundreds of billions to Ukraine and Israel. We are closer to WW3 now than at any other point this century, and he bears much of the blame.

      5 months ago

      I wouldn't underestimate the pro choice movement, nor the flood of boomers that were unleashed in 2020.

      Also, the average American does not consider Arabs human.

      • edge [he/him]
        5 months ago

        What has Biden done to protect abortion rights?

        Also, the average American does not consider Arabs human.

        With the margins we're talking about, enough do to matter. Also there are more eligible Arab American voters in Michigan than Biden's 2020 margin. They turned out for Biden in 2020, they likely won't now, they even loudly said so in the primary. I did the math for the other swing states a while ago, and the number of Arab Americans in each state is enough to make a big dent in his margins, with non-Arab Palestine supporters and otherwise disappointed voters most likely making up the rest.

          5 months ago

          Democrats haven't had to follow through on abortion before, I don't know why that would be a requirement now.

          • edge [he/him]
            5 months ago

            Because it's actually affecting people now, they don't have Roe v Wade to hide behind.

              5 months ago

              Yes, it's affecting people now. So they'll go to the polls and have a choice between a guy saying he'll do something about it and orange man bad.

              They're not going to drop Biden for not pulling a FDR on the supreme court, just like they didn't blame RBG for being a megalomaniac, or Obama for (“The first thing I’d do as president is sign the Freedom of Choice Act.”) lol

              Part of me would love to see them eat shit for genocide, but I don't see it.

              • edge [he/him]
                5 months ago

                So they'll go to the polls and have a choice between a guy saying he'll do something about it and orange man bad.

                You’re missing the choice that comes before that: whether they’ll go to the polls or not.

                The guy saying he’ll do something about it is already in power and has done nothing about it, so there’s no point in voting for him.

      • AOCapitulator [they/them]
        5 months ago

        Flood of boomers that were unleashed in 2020? Unleashed where, into their graves?