"White" isn't a real ethnicity, yet that is still the whitest dinner I've ever seen.
What kind of cronenberg abomination am I looking at? It's just a mound of cheeseburgers, pizza and bacon?
It has also been dumped on top of a pile of fries. Maybe there's some hotdogs hidden in there as well.
My favorite part of this is the women on the right looking like they're seriously reconsidering their relationships.
I'd say that's disgusting but honestly it's so weird it doesn't even register as food.
Remember for the first few episodes they had an actual chef help them out. and he was kinda cute, ngl
:bottom-speak: I feel like you set me up for disappointment with the content warning
Tyler was the best character on EMT because he provided a foil to the one-dimensional machismo.
Go look at their channel now lol
Videos get like 5-10k views, they used to get 10-30 million
I mean good lol. I was just shitposting but tbh the whole le epic man bacon shit was always cringe to me
zomg so heckkkin based and phytoestrogen-pilled!!! over for plantcels
That pizza looks nasty and all those burgers look like they're gonna be dry as fuck
If they have the money to get those burger heap they had the money to get better whiskey than jack Daniels but they still decided to get the cheap stuff. Even when they're trying to be extravagant they still somehow manage to fuck it up