Pulled the trigger day after Xmas and picked up a used Clawhammer 120V BIAB system. Dude was serious about unloading all his equipment and gave me everything from stirring paddles to fermenters.

Local brewshop had Northern Brewer kits so figured what the hell, let's dance. I added some Maris Otter because I was worried about efficiency.

Plugged all the stats into a brew app. Guesstimated my efficiency at 69 (lol). OG over shot 1.049 at 1.052. I guess my system is way more efficient. Probably finish just north of 5% ABV.

Some fun stuff: Brew day was about 5.5 hours long. Clean up at 30 minutes. All done in my kitchen. Cost per beer when complete: 60 cents.

Totally rewarding. Gonna brew a stout next. I like boring English beer (no IPAs). Now we wait and see.

  • Dull_Juice [he/him]
    2 years ago

    Awesome stuff! What temp about are you fermenting at?

    I also know the feeling on efficiency. I used to undershoot while I was getting used to my setup and now I pretty frequently overshoot to the point where people are a little annoyed when I tell them the pilsner is now 6 percent or something lol.

      • Dull_Juice [he/him]
        2 years ago

        Nice! I've not taken a stab at my brown ale since the start of COVID and I guess everyone bought up all the usual yeasts so I brewed it with S-33 which came out well.

        • DickFuckarelli [he/him]
          2 years ago

          I bought a six pack of Samuel Smith for 15 dollars last month and that burned me to no end. Fuck these prices.

          This aggression will not stand.

          • Dull_Juice [he/him]
            2 years ago

            Yeah, if your good at keeping stuff clean and don't have a burning desire to keep buying tons of gear the prices for what you can brew versus buy flip in your favor for sure.

            I mostly like German, Czech, etc styles myself. But recently had to brew random shit based on what I can get my hops to do. Family member gifted me one of those Yakima Valley hop boxes and still sitting on some Chinook, Idaho Gem and a full 2oz of Azzaca and Amarillo.

            • DickFuckarelli [he/him]
              2 years ago

              I'm pretty much a DIY dude so I think I'm pretty well good to go, as is.

              Plus now at least I can finally post something food related on here that isn't going to start a struggle session/hexaggedon.

              • Dull_Juice [he/him]
                2 years ago

                Yeah I've been wondering if I should post some stuff about my beers/ ciders I've made. Was never sure if anyone would care lol.