Pulled the trigger day after Xmas and picked up a used Clawhammer 120V BIAB system. Dude was serious about unloading all his equipment and gave me everything from stirring paddles to fermenters.

Local brewshop had Northern Brewer kits so figured what the hell, let's dance. I added some Maris Otter because I was worried about efficiency.

Plugged all the stats into a brew app. Guesstimated my efficiency at 69 (lol). OG over shot 1.049 at 1.052. I guess my system is way more efficient. Probably finish just north of 5% ABV.

Some fun stuff: Brew day was about 5.5 hours long. Clean up at 30 minutes. All done in my kitchen. Cost per beer when complete: 60 cents.

Totally rewarding. Gonna brew a stout next. I like boring English beer (no IPAs). Now we wait and see.

  • Bnova [he/him]
    2 years ago

    Do you cycle your wort while you steep your grains? I picked up a riptide since my old pump broke and didn't have the correct sized nozzle to use it on this last brew so my efficiency was lower than I'd hoped.

    • DickFuckarelli [he/him]
      2 years ago

      System came with a pump to recycle the wort during mash. If you google the Clawhammer 120v system, that's pretty much what this guy sold me, plus a ton of auxiliary stuff. Not bad for $300.

      • Bnova [he/him]
        2 years ago

        That's sick, I didn't even know that that system existed. I upgraded from cooking on the stove to my anvil foundry system a few years back and have been loving it ever since. I can't wait to move on from bottling next.

        • DickFuckarelli [he/him]
          2 years ago

          I used to brew in the 00s so I still have all my kegging stuff. To be honest, I've never bottled. We'll see if it all still goes well. I might need to nickel and dime some replacement parts but so far so good.

          Seriously thinking about just buying 50 lbs of 2 row and then only going to the shop for specialty malts. Dude gave me a mill. I literally have everything I need.

          • Bnova [he/him]
            2 years ago

            I almost bought a full size keezer that came with 3 taps and 3 kegs for $200. I wasn't able to because transporting it was going to be impossible in my car and renting a U-Haul for it was unappealing since I'd probably just have to sell it in two years anway. The guy who built it was so bummed told me that he'd spent $1500 on the setup only to have to move for work.

            I mostly get my grains from a brew shop that's an hour from me because paying for shipping irrationally angers me.