I was trying to find some medicine today and realised I need a better system to organise what I have and know what I don’t have. Currently, everything is kind of thrown into a drawer.

Ideally it will be seamless enough that it doesn’t become a chore when I need to add or remove something.


Thank you for all the suggestions thus far. I just want to make a small clarification.

I'm not looking for a system to organise the medicine/vitamins that I am currently taking (although the ideas provided are super useful). I'm thinking more along the lines of a "stock management" system for the stuff I am not actively using.

I came across this software as an example.

  • Moonguide@lemmy.ml
    4 months ago

    Not mine but my grandma's. We got her some plastic boxes with little containers inside of it, like a calendar but for medicine. Keeping it stocked up is a pretty good way of gauging what she's running out of. Plus, she knows what to take at what time.

    When I was taking meds I'd keep my medicine on my bed table stacked, and I'd keep two contact lens containers on me, one for my morning meds and another for my noon meds. I'd refill both at night. I can't do bigger containers because it becomes too much of a hassle to refill them for myself.

  • ᴇᴍᴘᴇʀᴏʀ 帝@feddit.uk
    4 months ago

    I just have everything in a drawer with morning on the left and evening in the right.

    My Dad needed a lot more pills on an intensive schedule but most pills were morning and evening, so I had 2 seven day pill boxes that I'd refill as they emptied and a system of alarms on my phone (that included the dose) for the other pill that he needed at intervals through the day.

    So you should be able to find the right box for your pill regime and then you just get used to sticking to it, so you know if you missed one because the slot still has pills in.