With climate change, COVID, and war no longer on the horizon but at our front doors do you all also feel like you're living through the start of the end? I'm immunocompromised I can't go out even in small social circles, weather is insane, and everyone that is near the center is a war hawk. I feel like I'm screaming into the void but honestly I'm just scared and want to know I'm not alone in this feeling
Depends what you mean by "the world" and "end".
If you mean an apocalyptic final punctuation to end humanity. No.
If you mean we're seeing points of frightening rupture, and it's unclear what will emerge or if things will get better. Yes.
Edit: in other words, it's not too late imo. If we can organize we can mitigate the worst of it and eventually, beyond our lifetimes probably, move towards communism.