The original article is in Finnish so I'll just paste the translation. Espoo is the major city to the west of Helsinki, close enough to be connected to the same metro system.

One person died in connection with the arrest of security guards in Espoo's shopping center Iso Omena last night.

The Länsi-Uusimaa police received an alert in Iso Omena on Saturday around 5 p.m. According to the report, the person arrested by the security guards of the shopping center had become lifeless during the arrest and died despite CPR.

According to Yle, Iltalehti, MTV News, and several eyewitness observations received by STT, the person who died was a woman. Iltalehti has also seen video footage of the arrest situation.

The police have not yet confirmed whether the situation was similar to the description of eyewitness observations.

Eyewitnesses: Four guards used force

According to eyewitnesses, two security guards restrained the woman on the first floor of the shopping center. The woman objected to the arrest, at least verbally.

According to eyewitness information obtained by Yle, the woman was at least over 30 years old. It is not yet known why the woman was arrested.

According to eyewitnesses, four guards forced the woman to the ground and held her in place by means of force by being on top of her limbs and back. A fifth guard was watching the situation next door.

According to the video of the situation, the woman was also handcuffed. According to what witnesses told Iltalehti, the woman screamed for help. For MTV News eyewitnesses said that the woman screamed that she was not getting oxygen.

Shortly after this, the woman lost consciousness. Eyewitnesses described to Iltalehti that the woman was kept on the ground for several tens of minutes.

Based on the video footage seen by Iltalehti, two bystanders started CPR. According to eyewitnesses, after this, the first aid, then the police and the personnel of the rescue helicopter came to the scene.

According to an eyewitness interviewed by STT, the woman's resuscitation was started with a delay. According to Iltalehti's eyewitnesses, the total resuscitation lasted about 40 minutes.

The woman died despite resuscitation. The first aid stopped the resuscitation, the woman was covered with a sheet and carried out of the shopping center on a stretcher.

One eyewitness working in a nearby shop told Yle that the guards' use of force was exaggerated.

On Sunday, the events of Saturday night spoke to customers. There were candles at the entrance of the shopping center and flowers were brought near the venue.

The police are investigating the case as a homicide

A criminal report has been registered in this regard. The West Uusimaa police informed today that it is investigating the case as a homicide, in which there is reason to suspect several people.

The police have also asked eyewitness observations of the event.

The security company Securitas is responsible for guarding the Iso Omena [shopping center]. The company's CEO, Jarmo Mikkonen, said on Saturday evening that according to his information, the order supervisors were performing their normal supervisory duties.

Mikkonen told Yle on Sunday that the employment relationships of the suspects are still valid. According to Mikkonen, they are shocked. He hopes that the police investigation will work peacefully and that conclusions will not be drawn too soon and the entire industry will be stigmatized.

Securitas announced on Sunday that he will conduct an internal investigation into the incident.

The forensic examination of the deceased person's cause of death will begin at the beginning of the week. The police will not comment on what happened until the forensic investigation of the cause of death is completed, Nina Kangas, the head of the investigation, told STT.

Currently, there is no confirmed information on whether the guards' actions affected the health of the deceased or whether the guards' use of force was justified or unjustified.

It has also not been confirmed whether the security personnel in question are security guards or law enforcers. When informing about the matter, the police talked about the guards.