The oligarchs couldn't give a shit since they're immune to paying taxes. Is it just pandering to the libertarians lol?

I mean I'm all for it, at least in the States not in general, not that it'll pass. I guess it puts the Democrats in the hilarious situation of having to defend an institution that 99% of the time only attacks people barely scraping by again. That won't look out of touch at all.

Mix that with the earlier threats of the IRS coming after people making like 600 dollars a year online, you have a really good platform to attack the Dems on.

  • M68040 [they/them]
    2 years ago

    On that note, I wanna know how even some people here end up acting like more IRS agents is a bad thing. You need institutional force of some sort to fight corruption - just gotta get it pointed at the right people.

    • Grandpa_garbagio [he/him]
      2 years ago

      It's bad in the US, like I said. Under a non fascist government, yes you very much need this. In practice here the IRS focuses on poor small businesses and stops them from being able to last.

      I'm not talking about like car dealership owners or whatever, a good chunk of people who get audited own like a small online shop and fucked up there taxes because they can't afford an accountant.

      They make tax laws incredible arcane as well. You get screamed at to go out and become an entrepreneur and then get fucked by the feds because you bubbled the wrong sentence on your 20 pages of forms

      • OneDakotaPolicy [none/use name]
        2 years ago

        If they don’t have funding they can’t audit the highest earners. The IRS doesn’t create tax laws, it enforces the laws created by congress. The $600 thing is just fear-mongering. It’s not even really a new policy.

        • Grandpa_garbagio [he/him]
          2 years ago

          They're already not auditing people who are blatantly not paying their taxes though.

          • OneDakotaPolicy [none/use name]
            2 years ago

            Because they are underfunded. And it’s usually not blatant how these people avoid taxes. More income means a more complex return means more time and resources required for an audit.

            • Grandpa_garbagio [he/him]
              2 years ago

              I agree it's a good thing if aimed properly, but it's just not. Part of that is funding, part of that is just ideological though.

            • Grandpa_garbagio [he/him]
              2 years ago

              They seem to spend a lot of resources that could be going towards higher earning audits onto easier marks. it's just cop shit

              • OneDakotaPolicy [none/use name]
                2 years ago

                I’m not saying the IRS is entirely innocent, but the solution is way more nuanced than just eliminating the entire agency. An audit of a multimillionaire can take years, while an EITC audit is just a letter. The issue there is that the EITC (which is claimed by low income earners) audit should be easy to comply with, but external factors like lack of education or stress make it difficult.

        • M68040 [they/them]
          2 years ago

          Also I just kind of doubt anything the right wants on principle. Even if there's an argument to be made for whatever they're calling for in any given situation, there's literally no way they're on the level about it. Giving them what they want'd leave them better off in some way that advances their agenda, and I don't trust like that.