grillman just as long as he gets to grill

  • join_the_iww [he/him]
    4 months ago

    lol that's pretty close to Richard Hanania's position:

    Those on the right who are prone towards white identitarianism or Christian nationalism might sulk about Jewish influence in their movement. To me, this is just as pathetic as black activists on college campuses complaining that physics departments are too white. In a free society, groups that are successful and interested in politics will naturally have an outsized role to play...From my perspective, Jewish power on the right shouldn’t just be accepted, but actively celebrated, since the two main problems with American conservatism is that it has too few smart people and too many theocrats. Jews becoming more influential in the movement helps on both these fronts.

    • FourteenEyes [he/him]
      4 months ago

      I've sometimes made the extremely poor-taste joke that if the fascists are all about survival of the fittest, then the Jews (persecuted for centuries to the point that people have actively tried to wipe them out) getting into the upper echelons of society is pretty good evidence of them being this "master race" they're always talking about. Oh, they're physically weaker but they're smarter and they use that to gain the upper hand? Sounds like you got outplayed, whitey.

      • BigHaas [he/him]
        4 months ago

        Don't actual Nazis have some weird occult explanation for this? Like there's a whole ass lore

        • FourteenEyes [he/him]
          4 months ago

          sounds like they need to upgrade their witchcraft game, have they not played Wolfenstein?