saw this on a post comparing shanghai in 1987 to now.

  • happybadger [he/him]
    4 months ago

    you can read about it on youtube

    Liberal theory has at least advanced beyond books for children and Hollywood slop, but they're replacing it with uncritically watching any youtube video where a man with a vaguely European accent talks over a map and stock footage.

      4 months ago

      "oi dont you know xi jinping invaded eastern china and killed a vuvillion uyghurs bruv. this can be traced to when mao tse tung killed a blillion tibetans because he was a cult of personality and jealous of the dalai lamas fame in tibetan eastern china lad"

      • happybadger [he/him]
        4 months ago

        chiner ain't been the same since qin shi huang tell u fuckin wot. now theres a real geezer. none of all this woke and pronouns u see in modern soci-ety. bloke just rolled up his sleeves, made chiner, gave it roight to the bloody chirnese.