Don't forget Anna's archive which is a search aggregator including a bunch of these! Beware it the most
I agree it's the best one. Since they don't actually host any books themselves, they hopefully won't get taken down
A professor that hasn't become jaded by the horrors of the capitalist education system and still actively tries to help people? :kitsupogi:
one of the cool things about going to uni in the third world is that even the bougie professors are like 'i left the photocopies/pdfs with X'*
*does not apply to 'elite courses' like medicine
The virgin :jbp: professor that's a terf and makes his students buy from the university bookstore.
The chad :swole-doge: proff who promotes piracy among his students.
I don't think the post implies JP is a TERF, unless you also conclude that the post delcares the based professor to be a dog, rather than a human. I think all it really logically implies is that JP is a virgin. I think he has children? But I don't think the post was serious about this.
One of my favorite things about some of my classes is that my professors had their whole class on a 1997 looking website. No need to buy a book they wrote. And it's publically accessibile and guaranteed to load fast
You mean it wasn’t a bloated pdf only accessible through the manufacturer‘s shitty javascript pdf reader?
I can't remember what I was saying. Anyway.
:michael-laugh: I love teacher humour
Someone on r/piracy made a list of good sites for both ebooks as well as audio books.
One of my 4th year professors just shared a google drive of textbooks with the whole class, lol.
Was Z Library until the feds fucked it up last year
You don't need to get this email to discretely ask your professor if there is a cheaper option.
Otherwise try to borrow it off another student then scan every page while you got it, then you can be the one to upload it to libgen.