• Mardoniush [she/her]
      2 years ago

      They're 15 year old dumb shits. I'm not saying they don't deserve a bad time, they may be minors but they have agency. But they're the henchmen, not the villains.

      The people you want drawn and quartered are the terfs, the fash, the yellow jounalists, and every policeman, health care officer, social worker, parent, and school teacher who poured this poison into their heads and failed to protect trans people when it was their fucking duty, as professionals and human beings.

      Those are the heads I want on tower hill.

        • Mardoniush [she/her]
          2 years ago

          I guess, but where's the limit? Would you kill an 11 year old? A 7 year old? Younger?! You're really willing to slide that dagger in yourself, eye for an eye?

          They're Children because we believe they are not yet fully responsible for what they do. They don't have fully developed capacity to reason, even if it's developed enough to be partially responsible. I don't believe theyre fully responsible for murder for the same reason I don't think they can consent to sex.

          I have been bullied and I was assaulted by other children as a child, to the point of hospitalisation. I don't want to do those things to my bullies and I never did even in my revenge fantasies. I wanted them to fucking stop, to admit their shame publically, and then to stop others from being bullied.

          They're not the children of the fucking Tsar they're idiots who've destroyed the life of a poor young woman along with their own. What material purpose would killing them possibly serve? Is "terfs, we'll leave you alive to spew bullshit but threaten to kill any child that listens to you" really the praxis we want to take?

          I really, honestly don't believe in vengence without purpose. Its fucking idealist. We have more important people to kill.

          EDIT: I just want to make it clear that fighting back against those hurting you, in the moment or even pre-emptively, is always morally correct. My argument is purely about retributive punishment. Also, collective revolutionary violence, while it may go too far, is also justified.

          • kingspooky [he/him, they/them]
            2 years ago

            I have been bullied and I was assaulted by other children as a child, to the point of hospitalisation. I don’t want to do those things to my bullies and I never did even in my revenge fantasies.

            This is the reason I'm engaging. Because I was too, brutally, for four years. They broke my nose at one point for fun. And I promise you I do not feel the same way as you about it. I would burn those motherfuckers alive if I could, personally. No one deserves to go through what people put us through and your desire to be nonviolent does not extend to others in that situation. You know what ever made it stop? Fighting back so hard and so vicious that I permanently maimed someone. Hitting over and over and over again with a lock in my fist until I broke his fucking orbital socket and made him need glasses for the rest of his life. Nothing short of that ever made anything stop for a second because violence is the only language bullies understand. Sometimes making an example out of the worst of them is the ONLY thing that makes it stop, and even then only because the others will be hesitant to tangle with someone they now know will do their level best to kill them. If you really wanna know why I feel so strongly about this specific case DM me, I do not intend to be hostile towards you but I don't want to air my entire traumatic past on this message.
            edit just in case this wasn't clear: I think you seem like a really sweet person trying to have your heart in a good place, I just hope you can understand that not everyone who was horribly bullied is just ok with being nonviolent to their abusers.

      • Kuori [she/her]
        2 years ago

        "they're children!"

        i know. so was she. and they deserve to die as much as she deserved to live.

        • Mardoniush [she/her]
          2 years ago

          I don't think anyone deserves to die. If Mao could spare and reform Puyi what place do I have to condemn a few 15 year olds? I'd rather not have the terfs have 3 deaths on their hands instead of 1.

          There are people who need killing though. Not because they deserve it, though perhaps they do. But because they pose a current threat to humankind. These kids aren't a threat anymore (I hope). I hope one day they realise what they've done.

          Maybe that sounds like lib moralising while people are dying in the streets, instead of acknowledging the appropriate use of terror on our enemies, I don't think so, but maybe it is.