

  • Red_sun_in_the_sky@lemmy.ml
    5 months ago

    I don't think you get what I mean by Indian government doesn't care about north east. North east is by far neglected and underdeveloped. Most from the Ne have to move to down south or towards other states to find a like living where they get constantly demonized. The manipur pogroms were vile and are a demonstration of how the admin handles anything there. The rohingya genocide is very horrifying and is a systematic one. I know what the rohingya genocide is. I live in south india and there's decent amount rohingya's who escaped to come seek refugee. And they are targeted by the government and are under threat even after escaping genocide.

    India and Bangladesh along with other intelligence even help the genociders hunt down rohingya people. The recent pogroms in manipur are probably the biggest since sangh pogroms in 2002. Not only that they even broadcasted their atrocities to galvanize more people. This bleeds into the border crisis at Mizoram and Bangladesh. The genocide in Myanmar is massive scale and has been going for a long time now. The Indian north east pertains to the Indian government not to Myanmar. This is a big crisis. I bought it up cause Indian doesn't mind doing this sort of build up in the north east. Let alone seriously want to solve arunachal pradesh's border.

    The manipur pogroms were done by the right cause sangh aided them and wanted to seize elections through that. Likewise a lot of other tensions in Arunachal were built up with citizenship act trying to target chamkas and hajongs to ethnically cleanse them.

    Cold war era nehru pushed by kennedy's admin and down the line indira's policy are way different. Yeah its not rocket science, guess what since 70s war with pak the sights shifted to pak. The USA admin almost nuked india at that time. It doesn't side with china out of hatred to the usa siding with pak. Pak is also a china ally now. It sides cause it wants to trade anyway.

    No the indian government didn't copy west chinaphobia. They did the bans before usa banned chinese software along with make in india. No this xenophobia isn't something comes out of this border dispute. India's xenophobia extends to its north east states cause of the sangh. Its not born out of this dispute. The population is more threatened by the sangh and the rabid shit it wants to do. Than it is by china. No India doesn't care about rivers at this or the environment in that area as shown by their shitty policies for uttarakhand.

    Frankly this is all still overlooking how USA lobbies since sixty or how much Us intelligence was doing in north east. Or how much India does this horrible shows of asserting power. Or still backing dalai lama. Even then the admin now feels they can just negotiate this issue.

    My original comment was to point that sankar is a hollow person who just gloms to western points when convenient. And no he doesn't think of the border dispute when it comes to rattling to china or policy. He only cites what any one from what the west says. Cause again India neglects that area and keeps pointing at china while ignoring what india conducts. Its more convenient than the bungled negotiations at the border.

    • Hello_Kitty_enjoyer [none/use name]
      5 months ago

      The genocide in Myanmar is massive scale and has been going for a long time now. The Indian north east pertains to the Indian government not to Myanmar.

      Yes, and my point is that Myanmar is a very close ally of China. It's doubtful that China cares about genocide, and it's obvious that they had no moral high ground to stand on back in 1962, when they began fighting over Arunachal, when all of India was equally undeveloped.

      Just because the BJP sucks, it doesn't mean that China is right. That's simplistic thinking.

      The USA admin almost nuked india at that time. It doesn't side with china out of hatred to the usa siding with pak. Pak is also a china ally now. It sides cause it wants to trade anyway.

      Ok, now follow that thought to its logical conclusion: was free trade with China a big issue in 1962? No! Neither China nor India could barely even keep their people alive at that point, let alone do significant business! And China was still invading Arunachal back then too! So even trying to pin this on India's tariffs/refusal to parttake in belt&road doesn't make any sense.

      "The USA admin almost nuked india at that time" Okay, now use that same clear-headed thinking towards the China issue: The world's up-and-coming superpower wants to claim your province which feeds 600 million people in your country. Is that not comparable to getting nuked?

      None of your arguments hold any water. Sangh/RSS didn't exist in 1962. BJP didn't exist in 1962. China trading with people wasn't a thing in 1962. Belt and Road didn't exist in 1962.
      The end of story is that the Arunachal problem is ultimately China's fault, even if India has given them some moral-high-ground ammo in the last few decades. China could easily resolve it peacefully if it really wanted to (I hope they do!)

      I'm Dravidian, eat beef, and pork, and hate the BJP but blaming everything on the Indian government means you don't understand history. I personally find the Jaishankar fanboyism cringe also

      • Red_sun_in_the_sky@lemmy.ml
        4 months ago

        I feel like I'm talking over you. I didn't say china is right or whatever. I said north east front doesn't factor into current push against china and people like sankar don't really have much to say beyond the western push. That is the gist.

        I didn't say bjp bad china good. I outlined what the admin under bjp is like towards north east.

        I think my comment in about usa nuke and the follow up line was unlcear. I was just saying time has shifted since then and pak was the concentration rather than china leading into war on terror. I didn't mean trade in 60s, I meant India doesn't mind china allying with pak, cause they wanna trade. Not in 60s sorry. I meant currently.

        Again my whole comment was to say India currently doesn't need the war in 62 to push for war now. They just wanna push western word now at this point. If it comes to any confrontation they probably want to redefine borders and steamroll china. It won't probably get to it. That is all I meant. But I'm sure they want to negotiate since 2020.

        Sangh/RSS didn’t exist in 1962.

        This is probably the most laughably untrue I have read. When do you think they started existing lol. Sorry but Indian fascism rose around 1920s along with other movements in europe like italian or german. Savarkar one of the pillars of the movements wrote his framework in 1923. That was very central and instrumental for hedgewar who founded rss 2 years after (savarkar published in '23) in 1925.

        When I mentioned sangh in my comment I was talking how they conduct their affairs along north east. And how they want to shape it. Like caa or with manipur currently.

        I only contextualized north east india and the current way its dealt by the administration in my comment. But I will reiterate. People like sankar want a war at behest of the west and as much a western war hawk would. And he doesn't need the border issue to rattle it cause the radio free asia shit is good enough.

        None of what I mentioned was ahistoric. I don't blame everything on Bjp.

        • Hello_Kitty_enjoyer [none/use name]
          5 months ago

          I didn't say china is right or whatever. I said north east front doesn't factor into current push against china

          Is there any evidence of this? How could a river that feeds a third of your population not factor into a conflict?

          people like sankar don't really have much to say beyond the western push

          sure, he's a clown, and if the border issue didn't exist he might try to make one anyway.

          I eat beef, I live in south india. I don't blame everything on bjp


          • Red_sun_in_the_sky@lemmy.ml
            4 months ago

            I've reiterated my points a bunch of times since my early comments in the thread. I don't want to reiterate it more.

            India has preferred trade and negotiations since rajeev. No matter postures it will keep coming back to that. Cause trade in billions is preferred as opposed to throwing it away. But they won't cut trade cause they still dispute border, they will at behest of western interests. Larger industrial investment were dropped out of capitulation to western interests.

            Sankar doesn't need to make up, he only capitulates. West prefers a war with china, that is what factors than a border dispute which is at negotiations.

            This and my other comments already repeat what I've said several times. I've been clear about what motivates policy. If that is unclear to you or not acceptable, its fine. You can either read what I said or skip it. I have said my piece.