Most entries in lemmy's RSS feed have a <link> that points to the relevant lemmy post eg

Title: Any DE or distro without touch support?
Date: Wed, 15 May 2024 01:24:59 AEST
Feed: Lemmy - linux

That makes sense - clicking the link takes me to the conversation.

Other entries however, include a link to the subject of the conversation eg

Title: Wayland usage has overtaken X11
Date: Tue, 14 May 2024 03:30:46 AEST
Feed: Lemmy - linux

The feed I'm using is

This is unfortunate as clicking the link in my reader (elfeed) does not show the conversation - I rely on the <link> to take me there.

elfeed being built in elisp in emacs, I have been able to concoct a fix especially for lemmy - but it really feels like a bug in lemmy as no other feed needs it. Where can I report it or discuss it?

    4 months ago

    It might be more expected for you but I'm going to differ.

    for an article (or a link to a image), it takes you there instead.

    ... and then you can't get to the discussion.

    The RSS-2.0 definition of <link> is

    The URL to the HTML website corresponding to the channel.

    so clearly, it should point to the lemmy post. No other RSS feed that I know of has this problem.

    Fortunately, emacs can flex around this, but duh! Where can I raise a bug report?