Of nine leisure activities, visiting a library is the one Americans did most frequently in the past year, followed by attending movies and live sporting events.
Chad free public service vs. virgin profit-seeking private enterprise
frankly it sounds like a comment from someone who’s never been to a library
my library card is one of 4 things i actually carry on me every single day, along with ID, credit card, and the license i need for my job. stop being an asshole
in my adult life i have never met another person who told me about their trip to the library. every time a new bazinga superhero movie comes out every single person i speak to has seen it. i do not believe americans visit the library twice as often as the movies, it just isnt true
my library card is one of 4 things i actually carry on me every single day, along with ID, credit card, and the license i need for my job. stop being an asshole
in my adult life i have never met another person who told me about their trip to the library. every time a new bazinga superhero movie comes out every single person i speak to has seen it. i do not believe americans visit the library twice as often as the movies, it just isnt true