I feel like that was an issue that had a lot of traction behind it going back to the early 2000s up through Obama's 2 terms. Like, especially in the Bush era, there seemed to be a lot of discussion about what to do in the media. It wouldn't be uncommon for Democrats to talk about eventually granting citizenship to undocumented workers. Some republicans even agreed, though alot of them said citizenship was a bridge too far. No one was really taking the idea of deportations seriously.

Then when Trump came on the scene, it's like everyone just stopped talking about it. At this point I think it's been years since I've seen a news story that talks about undocumented workers and possible options (with a brief exception for DACA). Nothing positive OR negative. Some talk about refugees or migrants coming but absolutely nothing about people here.

So what do you all think is going on here. Do the Dems just think it's a losing issue so they don't want the media bringing it up. Do the capitalists who support the GOP just want them to keep quite so they can keep their low wages and abhorrent conditions? It's just weird.