It’s insane to me that you’re allowed to openly advocate for political action that would kill hundreds of thousands if not millions of people but if I say that I’m currently working on passing legislation that makes it legal to beat that specific poster to death with a baseball bat I’d get banned. At least I’m going through the democratic process of the legislature!
Liberalism was cooked in the oven of colonialism. The violence against the other on the periphery offset by the domestic pacifism and idealism is baked in. Dialectics baby
It’s insane to me that you’re allowed to openly advocate for political action that would kill hundreds of thousands if not millions of people but if I say that I’m currently working on passing legislation that makes it legal to beat that specific poster to death with a baseball bat I’d get banned. At least I’m going through the democratic process of the legislature!
Anyway, anyone want to sign my petition
It’s fine if they live halfway across the world. Typical western mentality.
Typical of Liberals. Be kind and non-violent when protesting local issues. Foreign adversaries? Let's bomb and gas them out. The roaches deserve it.
Liberalism was cooked in the oven of colonialism. The violence against the other on the periphery offset by the domestic pacifism and idealism is baked in. Dialectics baby