Normal thing to happen in a democracy. Hearing these entitled ghouls screech about the victory margin in the midwest as if everyone who isn't a psycho owes their votes to the likes of Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden is deafening. These people only deserve to lose over and over.
I'm sure all the people who would've voted green will now after they've been robbed of their first choice just fall in line and vote Biden.
Astonished (not really) that they can't see this is an own goal.
If there's one thing Rust Belt voters like, it's Democrats telling them they aren't allowed to vote for the Green Party.
In communist china, outsider parties are removed from the ballot before the election even happens to assure the established regime remains in control
In Communist China, the inner party makes sure to protect the establishment by any means, legal or not.
abuse victim logic: Voting for a third party makes you responsible for everything bad that the two-party ruling fascists do
It's only true champaign if it's from the Champaign region of Illinois. Otherwise it's just sparkling corn.
everytime I get the slightest inkling of doubting my extreme fuck Joe Biden/dems stance something blatantly undemocratic or evil happens like this.
They must be fucking scared shitless though. I bet their internal polling is telling them a lot of people aren't riding with biden. Like historically the greens haven't even been a threat - libertarians got a higher share in 2016 iirc, there is no reason to take this action otherwise. Plus combined with the recent article about that insipid Avengers shit where they said as much about the youth caring more about policies than """"a friendly face"""""
I think it's also that for some reason they blame Jill Stein for them losing swing states so now they despise the green party. Saying shit like "EVERYONE WHO VOTES 3RD PARTY CAN GO FUCK THEMSELVES" without realizing that most libertarian votes would otherwise go to trump
Oh hon it goes back WAY farther than that, they're still mad about Nader in 2000, despite an analysis showing that Nader took as many Republican votes as he did Democrat.
The purpose of a system is what it does. There is after all, no point in claiming that the purpose of a system is to do what it constantly fails to do.
—Stafford Beer (1985)
he used it a lot but wikiquote sources this one to Diagnosing the system for organizations Wiley, p. 99.
Isn't China good, making the Democrats also good now? Looks like there won't be any anti-proletariat parties to threaten the communist revolutionary Joseph Biden.
Just write in Howie if you really want to vote green. Otherwise write in any other candidate. They can't do shit about the write-in option.
It's so fucking upsetting. Also, just for the people that don't know, this is following the court challenge where the WI SC ruled to keep the Green Party off the ballot. These fucking rats on r/madisonwi are so fucking excited that one of the GOP judges broke ranks to rat fuck the Green Party. Electoralism is big dumb, but this is somehow still infinitely tilting.