The chief prosecutor at the International Criminal Court (ICC) has applied for arrest warrant against Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu over the regime's war crimes and systematic attacks against Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.

An arrest warrant has also been sought for Israel's minister of military affairs Yoav Gallant against the backdrop of the military's seven months of bloody campaign in the besieged Palestinian territory.

    4 months ago

    They both sides-ed it. Weak AF. There is no hope coming out of liberal institutions.

    If ICC had jurisdiction it would find both OJ and Nicole Simpson guilty. Spineless.

    Edit: they didn't both sides Ukrainian leadership and Putin did they? And if there ever was a case for that, that would be it.

      4 months ago

      While it's "better than expected," I agree, it's utterly spineless (especially considering the accusations leveled at the Hamas leaders, compared to what Netanyahu and Yoav are facing).

      Someday, hopefully someday soon, the ICJ will be utterly defunct for its many hypocrisies. In the multipolar world ahead, I'd even go so far as to say that there should be no international courts whatsoever in western Europe, outside of perhaps Ireland- the west does not represent justice (rather the opposite), and their ongoing crimes as well as those of their ancestors should hang over their heads like a mark of shame (in regards to international relations) warranting further scrutiny and inherent distrust for centuries to come, if not millennia.

        4 months ago

        Agreed on everything you said here. It's sad that we have to treat these little morsels of justice like it's a five course dinner. The west has made us lower the bar so much.