Forcing an upgrade to paid plan or deleting files after 6mos.
The burning of The Library of Alexandria? :geordi-no: :porky-scared:
The burning of peoples stored knowledge for profit? :geordi-yes: :porky-happy:
I have watched docker get shittier and shittier. I hate that it's become the industry standard.
People can self host a docker repo though right? We'd just loose the fancy web-ui and free hosting?
I came across a few apps that looked interesting but they all needed docker. I have no idea what it is but it keeps saying I need to pay for it and I just chuckle and decide to move on
Docker is a tool which allows multiple guest operating systems to run on a single host operating system. It is kind of like a virtual machine, but instead of simulating the hardware, the OS kernel of the host is shared among all the guests. The guests are managed using a Linux kernel feature called control groups, which allows individual quotas for memory, cpu usage, storage, network access, etc to be placed on various groups of processes.
Docker itself is free software, but there are multiple commercial services and proprietary extensions surrounding it. Docker Hub for instance hosts various OS images that can be automatically downloaded and launched in a container by Docker. It is used by a large number of scripts and systems which use Docker to automate the creation of build environments or server deployments.
I agree with @KnilAdlez though. Reject modernity. Retvrn to just slapping everything on to one physical machine, taking out an insurance policy, and torching the building when it stops working.
I meant I wish another container software had matured as quickly or was now adopted as the standard, but ok