As for a fix you could try rehosting the image somewhere else so that the URL changes assuming that's actually what your issue is.
As to why I can't really explain better than before because I don't really know anything about the back-end and am pretty boomerish with this stuff anyways.
Literally, the difference was taking the verb “removed” out of a quoted text.
Very annoying to have to deals with this frustration all day. Just to realize that there’s presumably a slur warning against using that word. Even though it’s not being used that way.
Yeah if "dgnerates" isn't in the post body or title it might be in the URL and that's tripping the filter.
Weird. Why?
It’s just a photo taken of website.
Any suggestions for how to still post the photo?
As for a fix you could try rehosting the image somewhere else so that the URL changes assuming that's actually what your issue is.
As to why I can't really explain better than before because I don't really know anything about the back-end and am pretty boomerish with this stuff anyways.
Literally, the difference was taking the verb “removed” out of a quoted text.
Very annoying to have to deals with this frustration all day. Just to realize that there’s presumably a slur warning against using that word. Even though it’s not being used that way.